The gallery of Contemporary Art Braggart presents the cross-sectional exchibition The Ampurated Finger by Vasili Alexandrou and Dimitri Palantza, curated by Gianni Mirtou, from 1-10 December at the Joist innovation park.
The opening will take place on December 1, 2022 at 18:00
The severed finger (and other pedagogical techniques?) – By G. Mitrou
The transfer of knowledge is a process that involves interaction as a basic condition. I’m not referring to the simple information that the digital age now generously offers and post-digital transition promises us in more diverse versions. I am referring to the living state of transference in which you the present-time subject that is supposed to know, interacts with one or many recipient subjects. In the end, of course, no matter how objective it is, this knowledge is subjectivized in terms of the modality of its acquisition. Does the teacher just have to know? Or he must mainly invent the modes of transmission, as well as the inspiration for the student.
In Ranciere’s “Ignorant Teacher” the question is shifted through the narrative of the text to the concept of the presence of the teacher as a person who initially desires the meeting with the students. It is about meeting in terms of perception, the search for knowledge but also psycho-emotional connection. In the living space with their living bodies and not with their digital representations, as was so widely the case during the pandemic period. Institutional teaching is a condition of power. A power based on an educational system based on the “castration” of the free student-teacher relationship. Mainly the teacher directs and does not intervene creatively so that the student works participatively in the transfer of knowledge. As the great psychopedagogue M. Lobrot said in his famous Non-Directive Intervention method, interaction alone guarantees a pedagogy of freedom. And perhaps this commitment to freedom is the greatest knowledge.
This exhibition, through the formation of a landscape of installations in the space of the two artists, wishes to produce an interactive relationship with the viewer and the produced work to the extent that this poses the basic question. What is learning without the “cut” freedom of how the student will approach it. A question that permeates the social and the political and concerns all social ties. The position of V. Alexandros and D. Palantzas and the curator Yiannis Mitros is inscribed precisely in the way that the dominant “pedagogical” logic is deconstructed and the Socratic question about the search for knowledge appears. Especially in the era of the new biopolitics which directs our lives through the techniques of a metaverse perspective of knowledge as a capitalist product aimed at control and profit.
Currator: Giannis Mitrou
Organizer: Braggart Contemporart Art Gallery, T: 6908622813
Oppening: Saturday 1st of December 2022, 18.00
Duration: 1-10 December 2022
Oppening Hours: Everyday 11.00 – 21.00 Saturday and Sunday 15.00 – 21.00
Place: Joist Innovation Park
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