Three years after the loss of Thanos Mikroutsikos, the Cultural Organization of the municipality of Patras organizes a special concert-tribute entitled “Singing with Thanos”.

The concert will take place at 8.00 pm on Tuesday, December 27 at the cinema theater “Pantheon” with his favorite singer Rita Antonopoulou performing great hits and adored songs by Thanos Mikroutsikos in lyrics Hikmet, Kavvadia, Alkaiou, Ioannou…

Next to Rita Antonopoulou Thymios Papadopoulos, Thanos ‘main collaborator” the most complex Greek musician ” as he called him and with them the great soloists Manolis Androulidakis, Mimis Doutsoulis and George Katsikas

Thanos Mikroutsikos to the end put into practice the lyrics of his favorite poet Nazimhikmet: “the issue is not to be a prisoner. Not giving in. That’s it.” And whoever does not surrender to the end fights and dances on the shark’s wing. This was the message of Thanos and this is what the Cultural Organization and the municipality of Patras celebrate through the concert.

Thanos Mikroutsikos met Rita Antonopoulou in 2006. He was immediately intrigued by her stage presence and her ability to assimilate the ways of performing great singers and integrate them into her own way and her own gesture.  The composer himself said of Rita ” phrases, words, syllables acquire substance when she utters them, because she is very dynamic, lyrical when needed and her stage presence something unimaginable. In a straightforward and natural way, he immediately sends the lyrics and sounds from the stage to the Hall. As if it contained what preceded it without imitating it.»

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