The art gallery ekfrasi – yianna grammatopoulou presents a group of new works by Elli Koutsoukelli under the title Dream upon a tree.
Elli Koutsoukelli presents fifteen large works made with pastel and charcoal on paper, with the tree as their subject matter. The image of the tree has already preoccupied Elli Koutsoukelli’s painting, which, as in the past, moves between figurativeness and abstraction, the iconic and the an iconic, with a style that is especially gestural. But in these current works, description has given way to an abstractive approach to depiction, which vibrates with the element of dazzling colour in austere monochromes of red and blue. Forms emerge from the white background of the paper embodying the light, which becomes a structural element of the composition.
The curator of the exhibition, Elizabeth Plessa, notes in her catalogue foreword: “In forming branches and trunks of trees in the areas where the colour does not cover the paper, Koutsoukelli creates her figures not with what is there but with what is not. Through her painted reversal of positive and negative image, airy trees emerge, intangible outlines within luminous trenches in the paper, pieces of light among foliage of colour, silhouettes cut out on to the white of spirituality, like dreams captured in light”.
Opening: Thursday 18 January, 19:00 – 22:00
Duration: 18 January– 17 February 2024
Valaoritou 9α, Athens,10671, τηλ. 210-3607598, 3607546, www.ekfrasi-art.gr ,[email protected]
Working Days-Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 12.00- 20.00, Wednesday :12.00-18.00, Saturday: 12.00 – 15.00 Sundays and Mondays closed
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