The gallery a.antonopoulou.art. inaugurates on Saturday 30 March 2024, from 12.00 to 4.00 pm, the new solo exhibition of Alexandros Psychoulis.
After the large installations he made in early 2000, the artist returns to painting. One of the works from that period, “The Room”, (White and black thread, sound, variable dimensions) which was exhibited at a.antonopoulou art in 2009, is now in the permanent collection of TATE, London, as part of the D.Daskalopoulos Collection 2023 Donation.
His new exhibition is titled, “Katalogismos“.
In early September 2023, a torrent born from the bad weather Daniel, washes away the house of Alexandros Psichoulis in South Pelion. He manages to get out of it just minutes before total collapse.
The new series of paintings that follows the disaster is a “therapeutic”, playful and at the same time tender look at the savagery of the phenomenon.
The concepts of habitation, security and stability in the new climatic conditions are developed around the central narrative axis, the birth and retreat of a storm.
Large-scale works with repetitive writing, almost obsessive, as a prayer and as a forgiveness to a weather phenomenon, with an absolute awareness that weather phenomena have no need of our forgiveness.
Opening hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 14:00 – 20:00 & Saturday 12:00 – 16:00
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