“Topo-anthropologies” and “Photobook boom | The Greek case”
The National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation and the MOMus-Museum Photography of Thessaloniki co-organize and present two photography exhibitions in the framework of Thessaloniki Photobiennale 2021.
Villa Kapantzi, Vas. Olgas 108 | from 6/10/2021 to 4/12/2021
Curated by The Provinces: Tasos Zoidis, Penelope Thomaidi, Κostas Ioannidis, Eleni Mouzakiti, Christos Rontogiannis, Christos Sotiropoulos
The Provinces aimed to create a space for the ongoing redefinition of the term “province“, providing the basis for a dialogue between the urban centers and their surrounding provinces, free of stereotypes; while making it as easy as possible for people to access the tools needed to speak through photographic language about their lives and their natural and cultural environment.
The photographic works presented in the exhibition aim to offer a representative picture of the results of this project so far. The focus is man’s relationship with his environment, whether it is the result of human activity or the natural landscape; how people, recorded by others or self-observed through photography, intervene and shape the space around them, and how they are shaped then by it.
Participating artists:
Charles Weber, Erofili Gagani, Theodosis Giannakidis, Tasos Zoidi, Penelope Thomaidi, Petros Kokkolis, Vangelis Kousioras, Panagiotis Lambrou, Konstantia Mazaraki, Evi Mavrona Helen Mouzakiti, Lefteris Paraskevaidis, Christos Rontogiannis, Orestis Seferoglou, Ioannis Stratoudakis, Christos Sotiropoulos, Soti Tyrologou
Photobook boom | The Greek case
MIET Bookstore, Tsimiski 11 | from 7/10/2021 to 4/12/2021
Exhibition curators: George Giatromanolakis, Alexandra Salimba
The international photobook publishing boom can now be observed in Greece as well. The Greek independent self-publishing scene is of particular interest. More and more creators are systematically seeking new artistic practices for the creation of photobooks while exploring another way of presenting and viewing their photographic work. The narrative sequence of the images, the choices of the materials, the design, the bookbinding methods but also the printing techniques employed by the authors of the books, are key elements of their artistic process, thus creating an organic relationship between the materials and the content.
The exhibition presents a collection of photographic books published within the last three years, in an effort to equally represent the whole spectrum of the domestic photographic self-publishing community, which is now leaving its own mark in the modern history of photography.
Participating artists:
Ania Vouloudi, Eva Voutsaki, Anargyros Drolapas, Spyros Zervoudakis, Charis Kakarouchas Giorgos Karailias, Charalambos Kydonakis, Alexandra Masmanidi, Dimitris Mytas, Stefania Orfanidou, Athanasia Papadopoulou, Stylianos Papardelas, Antonia Petriti, Artemis Pyrpyli Giorgos Salame, Alexei Siozov, Dimitris Tairis, Anni Tsevdomaria, Sofia Tolika, Panos Charalambidis, Mary Hairetaki, Giannis Chatziaslanis
Full programme: Thessaloniki Photobiennale 2021
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