11th Ibero-American Theatre Festival
The Cervantes Institute of Athens, in collaboration with the Embassy of Spain, the Hellenic American Union and Sólo Teatro, presents the 11th Ibero-American Festival of Theatre Analogues, taking place February 1-22, 2022 at the Hellenic American Union Theatre (22 Massalias Street, Athens).
The Festival returns for its eleventh year in its traditional format with a physical presence for the public. During the Festival, the writers of the plays selected to be presented, David Desola and Marta Bouchaca, will be present in person, while Alberto Conehero and Jordi Casanova will be connected online to discuss with the audience. All the plays of the festival are directed and performed by Greek directors and actors, in Greek.
This year, the themes of the plays approach current social phenomena and touch sensitive emotional chords, often capturing the dilemmas that arise from the difficulties of everyday living.
In detail:
01/02, 18:00 – Tiles by David Desola
Translation: Maria Hatziemmanouil Director: Nikos Arvanitis. Actors: Spyros Poulis, Petros Lagoutis, Stelios Ninis, Avagianou, Maria Karakitsou
Paco and Dolores have little money to buy a house and the Claroscouro company has a revolutionary solution to offer them. So how many tiles are necessary to manage to survive decently?
08/02, 18:00 – Cliff by Alberto Conehero
Translation: Maria Hatziemmanuil Director: Antonis Galeos. Actor: Dimitris Tsiklis
Shortly before the 1961 Academy Awards, Montgomery Clift prepares his return to the theatre with Chekhov’s The Seagull, having already decided to abandon his film career. But first he must settle his unfinished business with the past.
15/02, 18:00 – Rita (Would you kill someone you love?) by Marta Butchaka
Translation: Maria Hatziemmanouil Directed by: Thodoris Vournas Actors: Antonis Giannakos, Paris Alexandropoulos
When the vet suggests euthanasia for his little dog, Rita, Tony’s confidence evaporates. Instead, his sister Stella has a very clear opinion on which decision should be made. Will she have the same opinion in the case of their mother?
From 22/02, 18:00 – Jordy Casanova’s Pack
Translation: Nanna Papanikolaou Director: Agni Chioti. Actors: Haris Chiotis, Kali Davri, Kyriakos Markatos, Lydia Sgouraki, Kostas Piperidis, Stamatis Baknis, Jason Castoris
It’s dangerous to be a woman and go out on the night of the San Fermin celebration. “The Herd” goes around undisturbed, and anything can happen.
Date Every Tuesday in February.
Address Hellenic American Union Theatre (22 Massalias 22, 10680, Athens)
Entrance Free admission with compulsory use of a protective mask and presentation of a valid certificate of vaccination or infection for COVID-19
Information Cultural Directorate (210 3680052), [email protected], www.hau.gr/culture
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