“The regeneration of Aristotelous is the most important ticket for Thessaloniki in the new era,” stressed the mayor of Thessaloniki Konstantinos Zervas, signing the contract for the studies concerning the Square and the monumental axis of the city. The studies for the redevelopment of Aristotelous proceed in continuation of an international architectural competition that was announced by the municipality of Thessaloniki.
“Today I feel both happy and proud, because this emblematic project that we announced in 2019 is entering the implementation phase. One of the most recognizable, one of the most beautiful pieces of our city is finally getting a fresher image. Thessaloniki is reconstituting its most central point, so that now the image of a European, a Mediterranean metropolis is a fact. Apart from the better quality of life it will offer to its citizens, Thessaloniki will offer an excellent image to its visitors. The regeneration of Aristotelous is the most important ticket for the new era in Thessaloniki that we dream of, in Thessaloniki that all Thessalonians envision,” Zervas said.
On his part, the Deputy Mayor of technical works and sustainable mobility Efraim Kyrizidis underlined that”the most famous square of the city-for us the most beautiful in the Balkans – will leave the current situation and will become a modern square, which will re-establish Thessaloniki as a European megalopolis”.
The elaboration of the studies was undertaken by the team that unanimously won the first prize of the jury of the architectural competition that had been announced by the municipality of Thessaloniki (Ariadni Vozani: architect engineer, Professor NTUA, Paraskevi Fanou: PhD candidate NTUA).
“We will do our best to have a study that will yield US a work that is being done, looking at the future of the city and highlighting the historical identity of both the axis and Aristotelous Square. We hope that the study will be warmly experienced by Thessaloniki, ” Ms. Vozani said in a statement.
The redevelopment works will be developed over an area of 32,500 t.m. and they concern The Square and the axis of Aristotelous from the coastal front up to Egnatia Street. The study area includes the sidewalks on Nikis Avenue on either side of The AXIS up to Plutarchou and Demosthenous streets, as they are an integral part of the overall picture of the axis from the sea front.
The emblematic architecture of Aristotelous is an element of international recognition of Thessaloniki. The new design that will result is expected to strengthen the role of the area as a strong landmark but also to highlight its particular historical and functional identity.
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