Heraklion’s turn, on Saturday 24 February, from 11:00 to 13:00 at the atrium of Loggia, to welcome the information and education campaign on non-visible disability, “IT’S YOUR TURN“. The campaign is carried out by citizen volunteers for other citizens and is currently being organised in 30 cities across the country.
In Heraklion, the campaign’s ambassador Angeliki Baltatzi, with the people of the volunteer group “HER-autism“, of which she is a co-creator, is in charge of the organization. Alongside the “IT’S YOUR TURN” campaign at the Heraklion Town Hall, the newly established Group of Parents and Friends of People with Autism will inaugurate its first public presence with the interactive campaign, and the windmill of our heart sign, a design by a mother of a child on the spectrum from Thessaloniki. The “visibility” of the “invisible disability” is achieved with a variety of insignia worn by our disabled fellow human beings in many countries abroad for the convenience of autistic people and people with intellectual disabilities and, of course, to avoid the uncomfortable need to explain to third parties. The nationwide information and education campaign “IT’S YOUR TURN”, is an initiative of Nevronas.gr, the OpenSchoolDays group, the BRAINSHOT AMKE, which aims to make the colorful visual design of the windmill recognizable and functional for parents and companions of autistic people and people with intellectual disabilities, with the expectation that they will be given priority in places where there is a waiting list.
More Information: URL: her-autism.gr | FB: HER-autism | | e-mail: [email protected]
Useful information about the nationwide campaign “IT’S YOUR TURN” by volunteer citizens for other citizens in Heraklion, Crete
Date: Saturday 24/02/24, 11:00-13:00
Venue: Atrium of Loggia (Heraklion Town Hall)
Organized by: HER–autism-Heraklion campaign ambassador, Angeliki Baltatzi
Target Group: Both children and adults
Participation: Free of admissions fee
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