The patron saints of Agia, Saint Anthony, were celebrated with great splendor with a priestly service presided by His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatius of Demetrias, assisted by the Archpriest Commissioner of Agia, Fr. Athanasios and priests of the Metropolis.
Present at the Divine Liturgy were the (celebrating) Mayor of Agia Antonis Gountaras, the Mayor of Athens Harris Doukas, the Member of Parliament of Larissa of the New Democracy Maximos Charakopoulos, the deputy head of Thessaly Andrianna Komitsa, municipal and regional councillors and many people.
After the end of the Liturgy, a procession of the holy icon took place in the main streets of the city, while the Mayor of Agia received the guests at the town hall. In his statements immediately after the ceremony, Mr. Gountaras referred to the importance of the day for the citizens of Agia, while he did not fail to thank both His Eminence the Metropolitan of Demetrias and the Mayor of Athens for their presence.
Earlier, Mr Ignatius, in the sermon that followed the praise, referred to the message of unity that the Orthodox tradition emits in a world troubled by rivalries and wars.
Mr. Gountaras offered gifts with local products to the guests, while he accepted a bust of the goddess Athena from the Acropolis Museum as a gift from the Mayor of Athens.
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