The World Water Museum was created in 2010 and is a permanently ongoing, interactive, artistic and interdisciplinary project. In a deeply symbolic attempt, it characterizes water as a “museum piece”, through the collection of water samples from rivers and lakes around the world and their integration into the installation as “museum exhibits.”

The Historical Archives Museum of Hydra (HAMH), within the framework of the modern interactive museum experience and the concept of a participatory, open Museum, with a central focus on the lives of the people, puts under its auspices the interactive project “World Water Museum” by Keti Haliori, artist from Hydra. The World Water Museum will develop its actions and activities on the premises of the Museum, in which it will be gradually integrated until March 2022.

The Historical Archives Museum of Hydra (HAMH), within the framework of the modern interactive museum experience and the concept of a participatory, open Museum, with a central focus on the lives of the people, puts under its auspices the interactive project “World Water Museum” by Keti Haliori, artist from Hydra. The World Water Museum will develop its actions and activities on the premises of the Museum, in which it will be gradually integrated until March 2022.

The World Water Museum was created in 2010 and is a permanently ongoing, interactive, artistic and interdisciplinary project. It expresses strong environmental concern over the issues of degradation, contamination and depletion of clean, drinkable water resources of our planet., as well as the consequences of the privatization of this valuable natural heritage, and seeks to raise public awareness. In a deeply symbolic attempt, it characterizes water as a “museum piece”, through the collection of water samples from rivers and lakes around the world and their integration into the installation as “museum exhibits.” The preservation of freshwater samples, as a symbolic act and expression, agonizing environmental concern, in a “museum” without the usual scientific classification criteria and precious objects.

HAMH considers this collaboration with Keti Haliori highly important, seeing as Hydra -in addition to its name- has other features that make it the ideal site-specific installation environment for the World Water Museum, as well as multiple items that reveal the water scarcity experienced by the inhabitants, along with their efforts to pump and concentrate water in order to survive: ancient springs that have dried up, wells, rainspouts, buckets, water tanks, pitchers, aquifers, and even roads that were called “rivers”.

With the beginning of this collaboration, HAMH proclaims the year 2022 as: “Year of Cistern and Well”, and begins preparing an action plan for the rescue of the Hydra’s cisterns and wells.

At the same time, the following actions are already in progress:

  1. Participation in the twelve two-hour Webinars at the Ca ‘Foscari University in Venice titled “Beyond Museums. Tools for the promotion of the natural and cultural heritage of water “.
  2. Participation in the digital photography exhibition organized by the Global Network of Water Museums with the theme: “I Remember Water” which will be presented on March 22, 2022. The photographs that will participate are by Makis Karamanoglou and Spilios Spiliotis, photographers from Hydra.
  3. Project: “Water of Hydra”. Through the respective Facebook group, a constructive and multifaceted discussion is being developed about water in Hydra, regarding the current issues and problems that concern the island’s inhabitants.
  4. Research, capturing and highlighting, and highlight the history of the water of Hydra. Collection of documents, objects, digital material, recordings of oral histories, etc., with the aim of future publication.

The Historical Archives Museum of Hydra wishes to inspire, raise awareness, reinvigorate the museum community and contribute to the environmental sustainability movement. With the World Water Museum at its heart, HAMH aims to make Hydra a meeting place for individuals and organizations of art, science, environment, ecology, research and any other field related to water, but also to organize an international Festival – Celebration, for the source of life: WATER!

World Water Museum:

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