The Board of Directors of the Cultural Organization of the Municipality of Patras, following the proposal of its President Katerina Geropanagioti, decided to put under the auspices of the Municipal Library the initiative of the announcement of a nationwide competition by the Greek Screenwriters’ Union on the theme “Topolatreia, a love story for my place”.
The inclusion of the competition under the auspices of the Municipal Library will not impose any financial burden on the Organization. On the contrary, participants from the region are given the opportunity to convince the creative committee that their own love presents their place more convincingly, better and more impressively through three photos, which they may have taken even with their mobile phone.
The winner of the competition will be invited to write and direct a promo (3 minute commercial) produced by the Greek Screenwriters’ Association, entitled “TOPOLATREIA”, which will be sent to all tourism and cultural festivals and of course to all the offices of the Hellenic Tourism Organisation around the world. The aim of the creators should be to arouse the interest of both their compatriots and foreigners and make them visit their country or even want to learn its history.
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