Are you a visual, sound or digital artist with a passion for environmental issues? Do you have experience in creating original artwork using data? The project “Transition to 8: European Societies in Flux” (TT8) invites you to participate in a pioneering project that combines social science, technology and contemporary art to raise awareness about the impact of air pollution on European communities.
With the support of the programme Creative Europe, TT8 offers a unique platform for artistic expression, using data collected from communities to create powerful digital and sound artworks that highlight pressing environmental challenges.
About Art Residencies
Six artists will be selected to create visual, audiovisual or sound works using data such as air quality, heart rate and body temperature. This data, collected through activities such as bodystorming and sociodrama, captures the emotional and physical responses of local communities to critical environmental issues.
From May to July 2025, the selected artists will visit one of the three pilot cities (Elefsina, Greece | Rennes, France | Ljubljana, Slovenia) to:
Deep their sensation of locality
To interact with communities through workshops and open studio days.
To organise actions that promote public awareness and dialogue.
The experience combines physical and digital presence:
Digital Hosting: one week of digital collaboration with artists and project partners before the physical hosting, and one week of digital support afterwards.
Physical Hosting: Up to two weeks in one of the project cities.
The final projects will be presented in at least two to four locations, including a pilot city and the presentation event in Armenia.
15 February 2025 (midnight): Open Call deadline.
March 2025: Announcement of the artists admitted to the programme.
May-July 2025: Physical hospitality in the project cities, including community engagement activities.
July-October 2025: Data analysis and moodboards.
November 2025-February 2026: Artworks creation
April-October 2026: Presentation of the final projects in major events in Greece, Slovenia, France and Armenia.
How to submit your application
Artists with an interest in data-based art and environmental action are encouraged to apply. Detailed information about the project, as well as the requirements for participation, can be found on the official website: https://www.transitionto8.com/
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