The open call for an online meeting with the members of the Theatre Committee of the Municipality of Thessaloniki is part of the effort of the Theatre Committee of the Municipality of Thessaloniki to ensure that the Open Theatre Stage of the City festival, at the Municipal Theatre of Aneton, becomes not only an important cultural core for the theatrical audience of Thessaloniki, but also a strong pillar of promotion and support for its artistic potential. The aim of the meeting will be to inform the committee about the present and future plans of the city’s groups, as well as the possible co-design of actions that could take place within the framework of the festival, beyond the theatrical performances.
The meeting will take place online, via webex, on Tuesday 1 November 2022 at 20.00, and is addressed to all individuals and groups active in theatre in the city of Thessaloniki, as well as to recent graduates of the city’s theatre schools.
Those interested are kindly requested to send a message to [email protected] with the subject “Online meeting with the Theatre Committee” indicating contact e-mail, optionally telephone number, name and theatre group by Saturday 29 October 2022 at 12 noon, in order to receive the link to participate in the meeting, which will be sent one day before the meeting.
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