The Ministry of Culture and Sports invites all interested parties to participate in the selection process of the film project with which Greece will be represented at the 95th edition of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences OSCAR Awards, competing for the International Feature Film Award. The invitation is addressed to Greek filmmakers who meet the criteria as set out in the regulations of this year’s OSCARs, and in particular the criteria under the headings A. DEFINITION and B. ELIGIBILITY of rule number 13 (RULE THIRTEEN SPECIAL RULES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL FEATURE FILM AWARD), which refers to this category. The rules for the 95th edition are available at the following address:
It is recalled that the Ministry of Culture and Sports has the exclusive competence to conduct the selection process and to submit to the American Film Academy the Greek film work nominated by our country as a candidate for the OSCAR International Feature Film Award. In this context, producers interested in participating in the process must submit their film’s nomination directly to the Ministry of Culture, in order to be evaluated by the Committee established for this purpose. The Committee then gives its opinion to the competent Deputy Minister, who issues the final decision.
It is clarified that proposals from third parties do not produce any consequences or constitute a commitment for the Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
The procedure for the selection of the Greek film nominated by Greece as a candidate for the OSCAR International Feature Film Award (formerly the Foreign Language Film Award) is laid down in Article 35 of Law No. 3905/2010 and is specified in the Decision of the Minister of Culture and Tourism, No: “Representation of Greece in the OSCAR Award procedures” (Government Gazette B΄ 1829).
This Decision sets out, inter alia, the following:
“The cinematographic work, with which Greece is represented in the procedures of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences OSCAR Award for foreign language films, is proposed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism after the opinion of the Committee of the following subparagraph.
“The Committee shall be constituted by decision of the Minister of Culture and Tourism and shall consist of seven (7) members of reputable standing, with an annual term of office. The members shall be drawn mainly from the film industry and shall not have any connection with a candidate film.
“The Committee shall give its opinion on the selection of the film work nominated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to participate in the procedures of the OSCAR Foreign Language Film Award, in accordance with the specific rules of the Film Academy for the OSCAR Foreign Language Film Award”.
It is also noted that, following changes to the rules of the American Academy in recent years due to the pandemic, films that were initially scheduled to premiere in a commercial theatre but were initially made available through a commercial streaming service or video on demand, qualify for eligibility for an award in the category of International Feature Film at the 95th edition of the OSCAR Awards, subject to the following conditions:
– Contributors must be able to provide the American Academy with evidence (original documents and English translation) of governmental theater suspension orders, the originally scheduled screening in a commercial theater, and the streaming service or video on demand agreements that ultimately took place.
– The films must meet all other eligibility requirements.
Further, under Rule 13, the following are provided for:
An international film is defined as a feature film (over 40 minutes in length) whose production takes place outside the United States of America and the language of the dialogue is not predominantly (i.e., more than 50%) English. Animated films as well as documentaries are eligible.
The motion picture submitted must have been first released no earlier than January 1, 2022 and no later than November 30, 2022, and must have been shown for at least seven consecutive days in a commercial theater, generating revenue for the producer and theater operator.
The film must be advertised and promoted upon its theatrical release in a manner that is considered standard in feature film distribution practices. Distribution of the film in the United States is not required.
Films which, in any version, receive a screening or distribution outside of a commercial theater earlier than the first scheduled theatrical screening or distribution will not be eligible for the Academy Award.
The type of out-of-theatre exhibition or distribution that renders the film in question ineligible includes, but is not limited to: cable television, Pay per View/Video on Demand services, DVD distribution, airline distribution for in-flight viewing, webcasting.
The language of the original dialogue of the film must be predominantly (more than 50%) different from English. Accurate, legible subtitles in English are required.
The creative control of the film submitted should be certified to be largely in the hands of the citizens or residents of the submitting country.
If the Selection Committee does not include updated and/or accurate information relating to the nationality of the selected film, as well as other matters such as production details and release information, the film will be considered ineligible.
The Executive Committee of the International Feature Film Award is responsible for resolving all issues related to eligibility and regulations.
In order for a film to be complete and valid in the selection process of the Greek nomination for the OSCAR International Feature Film Award, the following must be submitted to the Ministry of Culture and Sports:
- 1. The producer’s application, with original signature, which includes the exact title of the film, its duration (definitely over 40 minutes) and its genre (fiction, documentary, animated film).
- Certificate of Greek Citizenship (issued, upon request, by the Greek Film Centre), as well as details of the cast and crew.
- Documents proving that the first, official release of the film took place for seven consecutive days in a ticketed commercial cinema theatre, or, alternatively, and only if the conditions mentioned above are met, through a streaming service or video on demand.
Interested parties are invited to send an e-mail to the e-mail address of the Department of Cinematography and Film Media of the Directorate of Performing Arts and Cinema of the Ministry of Culture and Education: [email protected] , from Friday 22 July until Wednesday 31 August 2022.
If the application meets the eligibility criteria, the applicant will be informed of the evaluation process.
Photo source: https://flix.gr/ & https://infomust.gr/
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