
Ημέρες Τέχνης

sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam

quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur.

Ημέρες Ανάγνωσης

Ζήσιμος Λορεντζάτος

Στον συγγραφέα Ζήσιμο Λορεντζάτο (1915-2004), μια ξεχωριστή μορφή των γραμμάτων μας και γενικότερα της ελληνικής παιδείας, είναι αφιερωμένος  ο τόμος που μόλις κυκλοφόρησε από το Ίδρυμα της Βουλής για τον Κοινοβουλευτισμό και τη Δημοκρατία. Στην έκδοση, περιλαμβάνονται οι εισηγήσεις της εκδήλωσης που διοργανώθηκε από το Ίδρυμα της Βουλής στις 29 Ιανουαρίου 2020, στο πλαίσιο του Κύκλου «Πρόσωπα Άξια Τιμής», και συντόνισε ο Διονύσης Καψάλης, διευθυντής του Μορφωτικού Ιδρύματος της Εθνικής Τραπέζης.


Shadow Theatre at Mavromichali 27| Karagiozis in Asia Minor or The Parade| 26 July 2024

For one night only, a parking lot in Athens will host the shadow theater performance “Karagiozis in Asia Minor or the Parade“. In this performance Karagiozis looks back on his memories of the Asia Minor Campaign where he served as a soldier. The occasion to awaken the memories of the front is a parade organized by the regime of Ioannis Metaxas on August 4.

The project resulted from the collaboration between the artist Spyros Angelopoulos, a fellow of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation for the Public Humanities Initiative (SNFPHI) at Columbia University, and Greek and Turkish historians and social …More

Thirathen Museum| Ta stivania tou Pappou| 31 July 2024

We invite you to the presentation of the fairy tale on Wednesday 31/07/2024 at 20:00 at the Thirathen Museum, on the topic of Greek tradition and its timeless value. Parents and children will have the opportunity to enjoy the book by the renowned researcher and teacher of Cretan dances Yiannis Megalakakis entitled “Grandfather’s Steps” with the excellent illustration of Dimitra Peppa.

The tale supports the World Council of Cretans. The main messages of the fairy tale are the value of the timelessness of the Greek language

of culture, how modern Greeks and future generations should deal effectively with culture …More

Historical Archives Museum of Hydra| Yorgos Kordis-“I saw laurel trees.- And I saw light…”| 04-28 August 2024

On Sunday 4 August 2024 at 9 pm the opening of the Iconography Exhibition of the famous painter-illustrator Yorgos Kordis entitled: “I saw laurel trees.- And I saw light…” from the Neomartyrs to the “free besieged” is going to take place in the Historical Archives Museum of Hydra.

The exhibition is co-organized by the Holy Cathedral of Hydra and the GSA/Historical Archives-Museum of Hydra in the framework of the events “THEOMETORICS 2024“.

Yorgos Kordis, painter, illustrator, author and university professor, having studied the Greek artistic tradition and especially and more extensively Byzantine …More

Hellenic Open University| 1st International Conference on Cinema Screenplay, Practice and Research

The School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design of the Hellenic Open University in collaboration with the Drama International Short Film Festival, organizes the  1st International Conference on Cinema Screenplay, Practice and Research at 12, 13, 14 December, in Drama and online.

The Conference will be held in a hybrid format with face-to-face and distance sessions. The main purpose of the Conference is to open a broader debate on current issues related to practice and research in the field of cinema and audiovisual arts, while exploring the possibilities of cooperation between educational institutions and professional bodies active in …More

Municipality of Agia| The meetings of the Parents’ School

The Mayoralty of Education, Culture, Equality, Youth and Sports of the Municipality of Agia, with the Deputy Mayor Mrs. Potoula Georgia and the Department of Social Protection, Education and Culture in collaboration with the Community Centre and the responsible special educator Mrs. Deli Georgia implemented this year for the first time in the Municipality of Agia the School of Parents.

Specifically, a cycle of four meetings was held in which public bodies participated with the aim of providing information in an experiential way to parents of children of all ages, approaching a different thematic unit in each meeting.

On …More

Patras International Festival| Concert – Tribute to Grigoris Bithikotsis| Wednesday 31 July 2024

With the concert for Grigoris Bithikotsis, the cycle of the International Festival’s tributes to the great Greek performers continues on Wednesday 31 July at 9.30 pm at the Pampeloponnesian Stadium of Patras,

Grigoris Bithikotsis was fortunate to work with great composers and to be the first singer to put great poetry into the mouths of the people. His collaboration with Mikis Theodorakis and his unsurpassed performances in his works “Epitafios” and “Romiosyne” in poetry by Yannis Ritsos and “Axion Esti” in poetry by Odysseus Elytis, were the ones that sealed his presence in Greek song.

An important moment in …More


Shadow Theatre at Mavromichali 27| Karagiozis in Asia Minor or The Parade| 26 July 2024

For one night only, a parking lot in Athens will host the shadow theater performance “Karagiozis in Asia Minor or the Parade“. In this performance Karagiozis looks back on his memories of the Asia Minor Campaign where he served as a soldier. The occasion to awaken the memories of the front is a parade organized by the regime of Ioannis Metaxas on August 4.

The project resulted from the collaboration between the artist Spyros Angelopoulos, a fellow of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation for the Public Humanities Initiative (SNFPHI) at Columbia University, and Greek and Turkish historians and social …More

Thirathen Museum| Ta stivania tou Pappou| 31 July 2024

We invite you to the presentation of the fairy tale on Wednesday 31/07/2024 at 20:00 at the Thirathen Museum, on the topic of Greek tradition and its timeless value. Parents and children will have the opportunity to enjoy the book by the renowned researcher and teacher of Cretan dances Yiannis Megalakakis entitled “Grandfather’s Steps” with the excellent illustration of Dimitra Peppa.

The tale supports the World Council of Cretans. The main messages of the fairy tale are the value of the timelessness of the Greek language

of culture, how modern Greeks and future generations should deal effectively with culture …More

Historical Archives Museum of Hydra| Yorgos Kordis-“I saw laurel trees.- And I saw light…”| 04-28 August 2024

On Sunday 4 August 2024 at 9 pm the opening of the Iconography Exhibition of the famous painter-illustrator Yorgos Kordis entitled: “I saw laurel trees.- And I saw light…” from the Neomartyrs to the “free besieged” is going to take place in the Historical Archives Museum of Hydra.

The exhibition is co-organized by the Holy Cathedral of Hydra and the GSA/Historical Archives-Museum of Hydra in the framework of the events “THEOMETORICS 2024“.

Yorgos Kordis, painter, illustrator, author and university professor, having studied the Greek artistic tradition and especially and more extensively Byzantine …More

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