The Cervantes Institute of Athens in collaboration with the Embassy of Spain, the Hellenic American Union and Sólo Teatro presents the The Cervantes Institute of Athens in collaboration with the Embassy of Spain, the Hellenic American Union and Sólo Teatro presents the 14th Ibero-American Theatre Festivalwhich takes place every Monday of February (February 3-24) at the Hellenic American Union Theatre (22 Massalias Street, Athens).
For its 14th year, the Ibero-American (Spanish-speaking) Theatre Festival returns with a series of plays that address current social issues, imaginative stories and emotional dilemmas, directed by C for Circus. The programme includes the plays: Aleretour on Saturn by the Spanish actress Marta Barceló, directed by Irene Makri; Fake by the Spanish artist Rafel Gayego, directed by Nicolas Papadomichelakis, Iceberg by the Spanish Yolanda García Serrano directed by Panagiotis Gavrela and The Boy on the Last Stand by the Spanish Juan Mayorga directed by Valeria Demetriadou.
This year, Yolanda García Serrano and Rafel Gayego will attend the readings of their works, followed by a discussion with the audience through interpretation.
The programme is as follows:
Monday 3 February 2025, 18:00, Aleretour on Saturn, by Marta Barceló
Directed by Irini Makri. The Cast: Chrysa Kottarakou, Maria Elizabeth Kotini
Rosa, a 40-year-old teacher, is diagnosed with breast cancer. She discusses it openly with her class. She finds it difficult to tell her mother. Her husband is always there for her, as are their children. In a monologue that is both ironic and direct, Rosa rejects any intention of heroism. She does not want to be seen as a fighter; she feels like a person who wants to go on living, like someone who would necessarily make an uncertain journey to Saturn, but is determined to return back to Earth.
Monday 10 February 2025, 18:00, Fake, by Rafel Gayego
Directed by Nikolas Papadomichelakis. The Cast: Chrysa Kottarakou, Irini Makri, Katerina Synapidou, Giorgis Sfyris, Spyros Hatziaggelakis
In the era of “Clickbait”, the proliferation of unverified information and increasingly fluid values, a progressive politician aims to climb to the heights of the political hierarchy. Her struggle is a struggle against structures resistant to any profound change, in an environment full of threats that until recently were considered obsolete.
Monday 17 February 2025, 18:00, Iceberg, by Yolanda García Serrano.Directed by Panagiotis Gavrelas. The cast: Manos Vavadakis, Valeria Demetriadou, Nikolas Papadomichelakis, Pavlos Pavlidis
The play takes place on the night the Titanic sinks. A newly married couple, Clement and Lolita, meet Francis and Ellie, who are also travelling in first class. The four of them form an intense relationship. Neither of them knows, of course, that it will be the last night they spend together on the big ocean liner. If they had known, Francis and Ellie wouldn’t have come up with the crazy plan they’ve been cooking up…\
Monday 24 February 2025, 18:00, The Boy on the Last Stand by Juan MayorgaDirected by Valeria Dimitriadou. The cast: Vangelis Ampatzis, Panagiotis Gavrellas, Chrysa Kottarakou, Irini Makri, Nikolas Papadomichelakis, Pavlos Pavlidis
The school year begins and Herman, a high school literature teacher, finds in his class essay that his students have limited interests and vocabulary. However, Claudio, a seemingly shy 17-year-old, will pique his interest, as his writing shows that he has exceptional talent. Herman, wanting to help him improve his writing technique, instructs him on how to continue his story. The issue is that Claudio uses as his main characters the family of a classmate whose house he has managed to break into. This peculiar relationship he gradually develops with his friend’s family members is not as innocent as it seems.
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