In the context of the exhibition “You and AI: Through the algorithmic lens” at Pedion Areos Park
You and AI: Through the algorithmic lens is a three-week festival exploring how algorithmic systems are constructed and defined, and by whom, and how they impact and reshape society and our perception of the world. The festival includes an exhibition at Pedion tou Areos in Athens, as well as online experiences, conversations and participatory sessions on artificial intelligence, creativity and ethics.
The online conferences:
On Art & AI
June 29-30, 2021
ON ART & AI is a two-day conference exploring how artists engage critically, conceptually and artistically with discourses around artificial intelligence (AI), creativity, intelligence, labor and ethics
The conference unfolds through two strands: “Creating with AI” and “Reflecting on AI”.
The first strand is exploring AI and creativity, as well as artistic applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other emerging technologies which, in recent years, are taking an ever-prominent role within the arts. Participating speakers, artists and theorists in the sessions are sharing how they are engaging creatively and critically with these systems of knowledge, what new narratives they are constructing and what creative challenges they might be encountering.
“Reflecting on AO”, includes conversations and talks that focus on the socio-political and cultural implications of AI. From the politics of machine learning training sets to algorithmic systems, power and powerlessness, participating speakers are invited to share how artists engage with and respond to these ideas and current issues.
Further information and detailed schedule: https://www.onassis.org/whats-on/festival-you-and-ai-through-the-algorithmic-lens/online-conference-on-art-ai
The ethics of disruption: from AI to bioethics in art and research
July 5-7, 2021
The online conference explores the constituent parts of an ethics framework for approaching, understanding and regulating disruptive technologies focusing on responsible research and innovation. Spanning over a period of three days and using multiple formats (keynote presentations, round tables and e-lectures), it brings together world-class experts from the fields of Innovation, the arts, intellectual property, data protection and bioethics, who aim to explore ways to develop and operationalize a solid ethics framework for disruptive technologies. The overall aim is to combine different disciplines and approaches and explore a multi-source approach for problems that defy pre-determined categories and pre-conceptualization analyzing the ethical challenges which come along with disruptive technologies.
Further information and detailed schedule: https://www.onassis.org/whats-on/festival-you-and-ai-through-the-algorithmic-lens/the-ethics-of-disruption-from-ai-to-bioethics-in-art-and-research
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