Title: MSc in Analysis and Management of Man-made and Natural Disasters
Scientific discipline:
Civil Protection
International Hellenic University
Academy of Firefighting
3 semesters
For more information you can visit the website:
The aim of the Interdisciplinary Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Programme is to train suitable personnel of the Fire Brigade, the Greek police, the armed forces as well as civil protection officers in modern methods of dealing with risks from natural and man-made disasters.
In particular, the aim of the Programme is to provide training through innovative procedures and methods in the following fields of knowledge:
- Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management
- Social and economic aspects of disasters
- Natural Processes, Hazards and Disasters
- Environmental Hazards and Technological Disasters
- Response to Electro-mechanical disasters
- Response to the spread of oil spills and fires caused by the burning of hydrocarbons
- Technical Interventions for Restoring Hazards
- Principles of Geoinformatics in Disaster Management
- Geographical Information Systems,
- EU Civil Protection Mechanism
Successful completion of this MSc leads to the award of a Postgraduate Diploma (MSc) based on:
- The provision of high-level knowledge in the fields of knowledge of the PPMS.
- The continuous adaptation of the MSc and its teaching methods to the developments in science and technology.
- The ability of postgraduate students to acquire an interdisciplinary background that allows them to be flexible and to adapt quickly to the changing conditions of their working environment.
- merit-based and collaborative working.
- the greatest possible familiarity of students with modern research methodology and new technologies.
- systematic cooperation between teachers and postgraduate students.
- The interconnection of the educational process with the needs and requirements of modern society in general.
Categories of candidates
The following are eligible for admission to the D.I.P.M.S:
A1) PS Officers
A2) Fire Warrant officer, Petty Officers, Firefighters and Firefighters ΠΥ, if they hold a degree of a University or TEI of the country, or a similar institution abroad (at least 80% of the minimum percentage).
B1) Officers of the Security Corps and the Armed Forces
B2) Non-commissioned officers and permanent staff of the Security Corps and the Armed Forces, who hold a degree from a national university or technical institute of higher education, or from a similar foreign institution.
- C) Non-uniformed citizens who hold a degree from a University or TEI of the country, or a similar institution in a foreign country, and final year students of the schools related to the subject, who will have completed their undergraduate studies before the dates of enrolment in the D.I.P.M.S.
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