Title: MSc Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning

Scientific Discipline:
Artificial Intelligence

University of West Attica

Greek & English

3 semesters


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The Departments of Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Industrial Design & Production Engineering of the University of West Attica (UniWA), Egaleo, Greece, offer this Master of Science Program (MSc) to give the students both the theoretic backbone and the practical, hands-on experience in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning.

Successful completion leads to an MSc (major) in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. At the second semester, students have the opportunity to choose between specialization (minor) in Autonomous Systems or Cognitive Systems by selecting the relevant group of courses, or select no specialization, and freely select among the list of specialization courses offered.

In selected courses, the educational material is provided through the support of the Deep Learning Institute of NVIDIA, while all courses contain a practical part and evaluation through projects, using tools developed by major companies active in the field of Artificial Intelligence (GoogleAI, NVIDIA).

At the second semester, all students are provided with the necessary GPU hardware equipment (NVIDIA Jetson devices), which can be used for course assignments or Thesis implementation projects, while one full and two half scholarships are given for the third semester to the top ranking students of the first two semesters of studies.

The program’s duration is three semesters with a deadline for new applications at the end of September of each year, and courses starting in the spring semester. Teaching is provided in English (or Greek if all students can speak the Greek language) with notes and assignments in English.

All instructors are either faculty members of the University of Western Attica or faculty members of other Universities, and instructors certified in Deep Learning. The curriculum includes lectures by collaborating Professors and Researchers from other Universities, Research Centers and Companies worldwide.

Information and the application for the academic year 2022-2023, can be found here: http://aidl.uniwa.gr

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