7 scientific lectures, 37 thesis presentations, 2 thematic workshops and “good practices” in two days, give the stamp of the research and educational activity of the Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and the “Postgraduate Studies in Mathematics” Programme of the School of Science and Technology of the Hellenic Open University.
The two-day conference will be held online, on 10 and 11 February 2024, and is open to the public. It includes scientific lectures and presentations on cutting-edge topics by distinguished scientists, university professors and graduates of the Postgraduate Studies in Mathematics programme and by the Laboratory’s collaborators. Research results in areas such as: Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics, Mathematical Modelling are reflected in the content of the two-day conference. This two-day conference provides an opportunity for communication and exchange of views with more than 20 professors from all Greek universities, and is an opportunity for fruitful scientific dialogue, new perspectives and collaborations, in a period of intense mathematical activity and production.
This unique scientific event will be completed with two thematic workshops that will be held as part of the training courses offered by the Library of the Hellenic Open University. The students who will participate will have the opportunity to develop skills in the use of the services of the HOU’s Distance Learning Library, the tools for searching, retrieving and managing bibliographic resources and their use in writing and publishing scientific papers.
The conference, which is organized by the Laboratory of Applied Mathematics on an annual basis, will be held entirely online, offering the possibility of remote attendance. More information can be found on the website of the HOU https://eap.gr and the Laboratory of Applied Mathematics http://mathlab.eap.gr, as well as on the website of the “Postgraduate Studies in Mathematics” programme, https://msm.eap.gr .
Link: http://tinyurl.com/42wzfrms
Conference: 343 126 904 462, Passcode: 5cUFJa
This year, the Conference is dedicated to the memory of Associate Professor Fotini Kariotou, f. Director of the MSc “Postgraduate Studies in Mathematics” and member of the Laboratory of Applied Mathematics.
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