Innovations and resistances of technology and knowledge.

In the context of the national anniversary of the 28th of October, the Kotsanas Museum of Ancient Greek Technology pays tribute to human resistance, recognizing it as a powerful force for the transformation of the whole social life. The modern Greek “no” meets the “no” of the ancient Greeks with the meeting point of values, science and knowledge. How does a bold ‘no’ ensure the birth of a diametrically opposed ‘yes’?

Drawing inspiration from the anti-conformism of the ancient Greek engineers and philosophers, we will highlight how their unconventional and innovative action brought to the fore resistance against society and the state. Indeed, in what way did the work of the scientists of the time change the mechanisms by which human life and the claim to freedom were articulated? What is the history of these mechanisms of resistance and preservation?

A journey of getting to know Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Phylon, Heron, Ctesibius, Archimedes and Aristarchus and the technologies that accompanied their lives will reveal aspects of tensions and resistances that have marked history. If denial is a site of resistance then resistance is the site where a new affirmation of life is born. Balancing between the familiar and the new we can see how the responsibility of change and the struggle for justice meet in the name of moral assertion.

Date and Time: Saturday 28 October, at 13:00

Duration: 60’

Ages: Kids, Teenagers, Adults

*The thematic visit experience is offered free of charge. Visitors pay only the general admission fee to the Museum (5 euros) for the permanent collection “Ancient Greece – the Origins of Technologies”

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