The Association “Union of artists-conservators employees of the Ministry of Culture” organizes in collaboration with the epigraphic Museum the art exhibition “the need of remembrance” for the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Disaster.
The Asia Minor Catastrophe of 1922 had a catalytic significance in the way Greek society was structured on an economic, political and cultural level. Through art, once again the participants of the exhibition Visual Artists seek the encounter with the past. What does the Asia Minor Catastrophe mean for someone in 2022? what is its connection with History? How does one approach the historical representations of the time? in what ways do artists through their visual work trace the individual and collective memory? what side of the past do they illuminate; In what way was the trauma socially experienced and recorded in historical memory? are some of the key questions posed by a contemporary art exhibition on the occasion and subject of a historical event.
15 artists, employees of the Ministry of Culture & Sports, with rich and different aesthetic and morphological pursuits participate. The works of painting, sculpture, printmaking, installation and other media characterize the pluralistic and polyphonic character of the exhibition. Their intention is to connect the past and the Asia Minor Catastrophe with the importance it acquires today, expressing contemporary ideas with different concerns and ways of artistic expression in history, philosophy, sociology and psychology with the main goal of deep and meaningful dialogue with the public.
Participating artists: Ioanna Vlachou, Despina Zilidou, Konstantinos Ziambaras, Dimitris Kannas, Andreas Kontonis, Dimitris Mastoropoulos, Dimitra Bakogiannaki, Alexandros Nikas, Dionysios Ninios, Terpsichori Xanthopoulou, Panagiota Psiri, Nikolaos Sfikas, Antonis Triantafyllou, Antonis Foukaras, Chryssa Fotiadou
Organization of exhibition :” Union of artists-conservators of the Ministry of Culture” – epigraphic Museum
Exhibition curator: Niki Papaspyrou
Venue: Epigraphic Museum, Tositsa 1, 106 82 Athens
Exhibition opening: Thursday, November 10, 19:00 – 22: 00
Exhibition duration: November 10, 2022 to January 8, 2023
Opening hours: Wednesday-Monday: 08:30-15: 30, Tuesday: closed
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