New Postgraduate Study in the field of Health, from the University of Thessaly and the University of Patras.
University of Patras – Department of Medicine|
Call for the 2024-2025 academic season
With a focus on prevention, promotion and health policies, the programme responds to the current needs of the sector, providing tools to understand and manage social and epidemiological challenges.
University of Thessaly
MSc Exercise and Health: Assessment and Prescription
The establishment of the MSc is the result of the proven need of society for the training and education of competent individuals to be able to cope with the challenges created by the modern lifestyle, characterized by lack of physical activity and poor nutrition.
University of Thessaly
MSc Applied Kinesiology in the Armed and Security Forces
Given the increased professional demands, such as crisis management, participation in international alliances, etc., physical and mental fitness are dominant elements for the effectiveness of uniformed personnel. Therefore, it is considered necessary to train Armed and Security Forces personnel for physical fitness and to improve performance and quality of life.
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