With a rich program of artistic and folklore events start on Friday 25 October the events “Fruits of Melivoia Land” organized by the Municipality of Agia, the Local Community of Melivoia and the Agricultural Cooperative of Melivoia “I Athanati” with the co-organization of the Thessaly Region, the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece, the Regional Union of Municipalities of Thessaly, the Cultural Association “Homer”, the Women’s Association of Melivoia, the Civil Non-Profit Organization “Melivoia’s Demas”, the Energy Community “Power Kissavos” and the Sports Club “Philoctetes”.
The events are a celebration of the fruits of the earth and in particular chestnuts, which are inextricably linked to Melivoia and are one of the most important products of the primary sector of Kissavo and Montenegro. The events start on Friday 25 October and will end on Sunday 27 October.
Friday 25 October
7:00pm Speeches on the chestnut, in the School, by:
a) Greeting – intervention by Mr. Kostas Tzanakoulis, Secretary of the Decentralized Administration of Thessaly.
b) Greeting – intervention by Mr. Dimitris Tsetsilas, Thematic Deputy Head of the Primary Sector and Agricultural Economy of Thessaly
c) Speech by Dr. Fotios Tekos, CEO of FoodOxys, on “Nutritional value and health claims of chestnut and chestnut products”
d) Speech by Dr. Panagiotis Madesis, Professor of the University of Thessaly, on “Genetic and genomic technologies in species and variety identification, food authentication and fraud detection”
Saturday 26 October
7:30pm Holy Mass – Exhibition Opening
8:00 pm Greetings
This is followed by a musical event with Maria Nomikos and Maria Belou.
Sunday 27 October
9:30am hike in the alleys of the village. Meeting point is the Melivoia square.
11:30am chestnut-based cooking in the square “Cooking with our young chef”
12:00pm Award ceremony of the photography competition by the NGO ” Melivoias’ Demas”
12:30pm presentation of traditional dances in the square by the Cultural Dance Club of Agios Athanasios Larissa “Choragogia” and the Cretan Folklore Club of Larissa ” Xenioi Cretes”.
Followed by a feast with a traditional orchestra
During the events there will be exhibitors with local products and handmade creations of the Prefecture of Larissa.
In case the weather conditions do not allow it, the actions of the square will be transferred to the covered area of the School of Melivoia.
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