Entering actively into 2024, the National Gallery will host and organise exhibitions and events that concern us all. The important exhibitions of the previous year continue with great success, making the National Gallery a reference point not only for Athenians, but also for all those who visit the capital. They will continue in the coming months: the exhibition “URBANOGRAPHY. The life of the city in the 1950s-1970s” and the exhibition by Rena Papaspyrou “Surfaces, instructions for use* The dialectic between everyday life and matter”.
Educational Programs-2024
The Educational program for families with children aged 8-12 years old, “THE WALLS HAVE EARS … Meeting of Art and Matter”, on the occasion of Rena Papaspyrou’s temporary exhibition “Surfaces, instructions for use. The dialectical relationship between everyday life and matter”, answers questions such as: Is matter “superficial” and “ephemeral”?Is it “inanimate” and “passive”? What is our relationship with matter? Are we not ourselves made of matter? Are there, perhaps, special categories of “the material” and “the immaterial” or, perhaps, different “materials”, constantly moving, mutating, creating spaces of subjective interconnections?
Where: National Gallery, Central Building, Time: 14:00, Dates: Saturday, 10, 17 February 2024, Conception-Presentation: Fryni Karzi, museum educator, Participants: up to 25 persons, Adult ticket prices at: 5€, Duration : 90 minutes
Then the educational program entitled:MAGICAL WAND, Colour harmony will take place. This is an educational programme for families with children aged 3-5 years where children are invited to discover the relationships between colours by observing the Museum’s works of art and the materials from which they are made. The educational programme concludes with a creative expression workshop.
Where: National Gallery, Central Building, Time : 11:00, Dates: Saturday, 10, 17 February 2024, Conception- Presentation: Fryni Karzi, museum educator, Participants: up to 25 persons, Adult ticket prices: 5€, Duration: 120 minutes
Finally, an educational programme will be held entitled:
MUSEUM STIMULATIONS IN THE NATIONAL GLYPTOTHEQUE FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN 6 -12 years old, “Eros and Soul of Lucius Apuleius, A mythological story”.
This educational programme includes narration and is completed
with a creative expression workshop.
TIME: 12: 30 ., Dates: Sunday, 11 February 2024, Adult Ticket Prices: 5€
Duration: 120 minutes, Idea- Presentation: Fryni Karzi , museum educator, Participants: up to 30 persons
Participation in the training programmes will be through online booking [email protected] (Monday to Friday).
The booking will be completed when you receive a confirmation. A prerequisite for training programmes: Accompanying children.
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