The International Festival of Patras hosts Aristophanes’ “Frogs” at 9.30 pm on Friday 1 September at the Municipal Summer Theatre of Ritsos Street.
Theatre lovers will watch a comedy that has elements of tragedy in its DNA with the show getting to the core of theatrical creation and the wonderful Aristophanic expressionism.
Everything is unfolding in an Athens that is going through a deep political and intellectual crisis, a crisis of institutions and values. In the arid and ominous reality of the city, Dionysus, father and inspiration of the theatre, sets out on a journey to the Underworld to bring back the seed of rebirth, poetry, in order to save the crumbling world. Accompanied by Xanthias and the noise of frogs, through successive comic and paradoxical encounters, he reaches Hades to resurrect the Poet. The one who can face the coming destruction.
From the cracks of the play’s pure comedy, the weaknesses of the living and the unliving escape and the smelly waters of reality are stirred. With a vision of the great idea of the salvation of the world, Dionysus’ descent into Hades becomes at the same time a descent into the very mechanism of the theatre. In the footsteps of Dionysus, the performance asks to reach in turn.
Translation Konstantinos Blathras, Direction– Set Design Efi Birba, Adaptation Efi Birba, Aris Servetalis, Konstantinos Blathras, Music Constantine Skourli, Lighting Γιώργος Καρβέλας, Costume Efi Birba, Vasileia Rozana, Kinesiology Michalis Theofanous, Assistant Director Dafne Antoniadou, Assistant set designer Vasia Lyri, Assistant costume desginer Alexandros Garnavas, Sound Nikolas Kazazis,
The Actors: Aris Servetalis, Michalis Sarantis, Argyris Xafis, Electra Nikolouzou, Mary Mina, Ektoras Liatsos, Michalis Theofanous, Alexandra Kazazou, Nancy Boukli, Kyriakos Salis.
General Entrance 20 euros
Pre-sale: Bookstore “Rodopoulos”, record store “Joe Records”
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