The two new olive trees were placed on Aggelaki Street
in the presence of Zervas and Andreadis.
About two years ago, Aggelaki Street, in the heart of Thessaloniki, was given a new look with the planting of thirty over-aged olive trees, described as an urban work of art. On the morning of 31/03, Aggelaki Street welcomed two new olive trees from Halkidiki, which came to replace two of the thirty olive trees that failed to acclimatize.
The replacement of the olive trees took place in the presence of the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Konstantinos Zervas, and the businessman Stavros Andreadis, whose donation made the overall intervention in the Aggelaki axis possible. Present at the installation of the new trees were the Deputy Mayor of Environment Erotokritos Theotokatos and the Deputy Mayor of Social Policy Socrates Dimitriadis.
The century-old olive trees along Aggelaki Street, as the Mayor of Thessaloniki Konstantinos Zervas said, are more like sculptures and are a new landmark for the city of Thessaloniki.
“We need perseverance and love so that our city can change. And Thessaloniki is indeed changing and improving in many areas”, Mr Zervas stressed, expressing his thanks to Stavros Andreadis for his “generous“, as he described it, sponsorship, to the executives of the green sector and to the people of Thessaloniki “who embrace these efforts“.
The businessman Stavros Andreadis expressed his pleasure at the installation of the two new olive trees. “The olive tree is the strong, wise tree of our country. I love it very much. In our cities it is an excellent fit, because it brings Greece itself into our daily lives,” Andreadis stressed.
Twenty-eight of the thirty olive trees that were planted on the Angelaki axis two years ago have progressed and have taken root. Today, the Municipality’s crews took care of their pruning and care, while Mr. Andreadis estimated that “maybe this year they will blossom for the first time”.
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