A musical performance dedicated to the traditions of the lyre in different regions of Hellenism with authentic instrumentalists and dance groups.

Oι λύρες της στεριάς και της θάλασσας. Μια δοξαριά Ελλάδα / The lyres of land and sea. A bow strike full of Greece
A great celebration dedicated to the many different traditions of the lyre in regions of Hellenism welcomes the Athens Concert Hall on Thursday, May 12 at 8:30 pm. Authentic instrumentalists and dance groups create a musical performance in the Christos Lambrakis Hall that highlights the apollonian measure and the explosive Dionysian energy of this very special folk instrument with a bow, whose history is lost in the depths of the centuries. The research, artistic editing and presentation is undertaken by Lambros Liavas. The musical performance The Lyras of the land and the sea, Greece in the strike of a bow is part of the popular series “Bridges” (artistic programming and curator: Dimitris Maragopoulos) in collaboration with the Greek Music Centre “Phoebus Anogiannakis” and is a co-production of the MMA and the Formiagx Concert Company

Oι λύρες της στεριάς και της θάλασσας. Μια δοξαριά Ελλάδα / The lyres of land and sea. A bow strike full of Greece
Participants: Katerina Papadopoulou (singing) and the excellent lyricists YannisKladakis (Rhodes lyre), Michalis Zographidis (Karpathos lyre), AntonisDallasaris (Lero’s lyre), ManolisBoundalakis (Cretan lyre), Elias Yfantidis (kementzesh, lyra of Pontus), George Kontogiannis (polite lyre), Stavros Nikolaidis (lyre of Ikaria), George Kohlios (lyre of Lemnos), Nikos Zedamanis and Andreas Reggis (lyre of Macedonia) and Spyros Koukos (lyre of Thrace).
Members of the Folklore Dance Group “Choropadeia” (curated by VassilisKarfis-Maria Ziaka), the Brotherhood of the Olympians of Karpathos “Demetra” and the Pontian Association “ArgonautiKomnenoi” (curated by Kostas Savvinidis).
Research, artistic editing, presentation | Lambros Liavas
Curator of screenings | Grigoris Filidis
Sound editing | Michalis Alexakis
Lighting Supervision | AntonisPanagiotopoulos
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