Already in antiquity, Selene took her place in myths as the goddess of the moon, daughter, wife and mother of gods and divine creatures such as Leo of Nemea and Hores (who represented the seasons of time). However, her most famous love affair was with the mortal shepherd Endymion, whom she put into eternal sleep so that he would never die.

Victor Florence Pollet, Endymion and Selene, mid 19th century (painted)

Similarly, as Luna she was worshipped by the Romans who had given her a triple status according to the phases of the moon: Luna for the full moon, Hecate for the period when the moon is unseen and Diane for the new moon and its first days.

The Moon was certainly worshipped all over the world, in the Mediterranean, America, Australia. Myths and cults associated with the phases of the moon were associated with fertility, magic, divination.

In Aztec mythology, the gods created the Sun and the Moon, which originally had the same glow, in order to counteract darkness. However, they now had to deal with the constant and intense light. The solution to this problem was found by throwing a rabbit at the Moon which reduced its brightness but also caused the characteristic marks on the surface of the Moon. A similar myth with the Rabbit on the Moon exists in the myths of East Asian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean peoples. In the Norse myths the wolf Hati Hróðvitnisson or Mánagarmr chased the moon goddess Mani in the night sky and managed to swallow her. The same fate befell the Sun, plunging the world into a severe winter that lasted three long years. According to the Jewish tradition, the Moon is a creation of God and not a self-existent deity as the pagan peoples believed and even had human characteristics. The Moon played a central role in the life of the Israelites. The Jewish calendar was formed around its phases and it was worshipped as a manifestation of God.

Selene on her chariot, detail from the case of sarcophagus with the myth of Endymion and Selene. Roman artwork of the Imperial period.

Of course, the moon, along with the sun and the stars, were for millennia also observed by sailors, shepherds and farmers in order to predict weather conditions, calculate distances and routes.

Now man has studied, photographed and stepped on the moon. Yet Science has not been able to shake off its fascination. The Full Moon in particular continues to “enchant” the world.

The August Full Moon is the most “popular” in our country not only because of its brightness and size but also because it coincides with a holiday period. Most of us have the opportunity, perhaps with less stress, to see the moon in some, beach, mountain, forest, in some landscape that “fits” best with the Full Moon.

The August 2024 events



The Acropolis Museum celebrates August Full Moon on Monday 19 August 2024 with a concert by the historic Hellenic Air Force Band, with Greek songs about the moon, film music and famous melodies from abroad, performed, in the Museum’s entrance courtyard at 9 p.m.

The Hellenic Air Force Band consists of senior and junior officers – high-level musicians who studied at various conservatories of the country and were admitted into the ranks of the Air Force after passing certain examination. The Band takes part in worldwide music festivals and leads the 5th Avenue parade in New York dedicated to March 25th celebrations of the Greek expatriates. Major Alexandros Litsardopoulos is the Conductor of the Band. The singers that will perform are Sofia Zova and Aggelos Mousikas.

On Monday 19 August 2024, the Museum will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., like every Monday as usual.

On the occasion of Full Moon the same day, the Museum and its restaurant will open from 8 p.m. until 12 midnight. Irrespectively from the free concert of the Hellenic Air Force Band that will take place in the Museum courtyard at 9 p.m., for visitor entrance to the Museum exhibition galleries the general admission fee will apply.

Reservations to the Museum restaurant can be arranged by telephone or email (+30 210 9000915, [email protected]).

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