The Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme of the Polytechnic School “Energy Technologies and Sustainable Design”
and the Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering of the University of Cyprus invite you to an online lecture.
ETAS Lecture Series “Engagement with Professional Practice and Industry”
Tuesday, 15/02/2022
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88217427167?pwd=ald4Um9UdGFoZEVadERqS0xXYmkydz09
Meeting ID: 882 1742 7167
Passcode: 966746
Title: “Green Roofs & Permeable Flooring. Modern applications for improving the urban environment”
Speakers: Pavlos Hadjipavlou & Grigoris Kotopoulos
Innovative infrastructure systems for ZinCo green rooms and Ecoraster water permeable flooring.
In detail they will be presented:
- Green roof infrastructure systems – modern application techniques
- Benefits – advantages of green roofs
- Water permeable flooring systems – the alternative to concrete and asphalt.
- Fields of application of permeable floors – proper rainwater management
- Design and construction (construction details)
- Reference projects
Speakers’ Summary CV:
Pavlos Hadjipavlou: is a Geologist – Geotechnical Engineer specializing in environmental project designGuided by and adopting the basic principles of sustainability, he systematically engages the research and development of innovative applications related to environmental planning and the flood protection of cities. He has been involved in flood planning and management projects in the field of environmental protection and urban planning in Greece and Cyprus.Grigoris Kotopoulis : is an Agricultural Scientist specialized in green roofs and bioclimatic designed
buildings. He is systematically involved in the research, development and quality assurance of construction, of green roofs and modern bioclimatic applications. He has been involved in some of the largest realised projects, such as The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre (Athens, 2014- 2016), while he attends specialized seminars, participates in international scientific conferences and writes articles in technical journals and special publications.
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