October 2022 – June 2023
What is it?
The Theory of Bonding is now considered extremely important for understanding how the creation and management of human relationships. J. Bowlby’s work on the creation of the primary bond with the maternal contributed to the understanding of the principles of psychoanalysis about the capital importance of early years of human life for the psycho-emotional development.
What does it involve?
This course will develop in detail the theory of J. Bowlby’s attachment theory and then the main collaborators and continuators of his work. Specific topics will be the process of creating the primary mother-infant bonding, the types of bonding, the effects of of the break in the emotional bond on behavior and the effects of bereavement in childhood, the the creation of self-esteem and the conditions that the work of Bowlby’s partner Mary Ainsworth and the work of Brazelton and Cramer who on parenting fantasies and early expectations, which contribute to the creation of the early attachment, even before the birth of the infant.
It will also analyse attachment disorders and and their impact on school life (school phobia, school phobia, school (school bullying, school refusal, attachment disorder) and the early stages of schooling and its impact on the child’s behaviour, and the impact of attachment disorder on the child’s development and the first school years. the first relationship with the therapist and its contribution to the reconstruction of the attachment.
Dates: Saturday 26/11, 17/12, 21/1 and 18/2
Hours: 11:00 -15:00
- Kayafa Visual Psychotherapist M.A., Clinical. Dip Supervisor, HCPC & BAAT recognition and Associates.
2. Dora Skali, Psychologist/ PSychotherapist
Interested persons can send their CVs to the address: [email protected]
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