The Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists and the Hellenic Society for Nanotechnology in Health Sciences (ELENEPY) are co-organizing the 1st Panhellenic Conference of Medical Physics, on 23-25 September 2022 in Athens, at the Royal Olympic Hotel.
The aim of the 1st Panhellenic Medical Physics Conference is to highlight current issues in Medical Physics and related subjects by bringing together people from academia, hospitals and industry. The ultimate goals of the conference are the development of education, the dissemination of knowledge, the strengthening of collaborations in the rapidly evolving field of Medical Physics, the interaction of all Radiophysicists of the country with each other and with scientists of related fields and of course the active participation of young scientists and their interaction in a high level scientific event.
The conference is addressed to Medical Physicists and scientists from related fields such as Physicians, Engineers, Nurses, Technologists, etc. The topics of the scientific programme are:
Radiation Oncology (RTO), 2. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (DTI), 3. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (DRM), 4. Radiation Protection and Dosimetry (RP), 5. Non-Ionizing Radiation (NIR), 6. Medical Informatics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), 7. Biophysics and Radiobiology (BP), 8. Biomedical Technology (BIT), 9. Nanomedicine (N), 10. Education and training issues (EC), 11. Professional issues (OP).
The summaries of all papers accepted for presentation at the conference (either orally or via electronic posting) will be published in a special issue of the EFOMP journal, European Journal of Medical Physics, at no charge to the authors.
All the information about the conference can be found on its website: pcmp2022.efie.gr
The scientific programme will be presented in 2 parallel rooms at the following times:
Friday 23/9, 15.00 – 20.00
Saturday 24/9, 9.00 – 14.00 and 15.00 – 20.00
Sunday 25/9, 9.00 – 16.00
The opening ceremony will take place on Friday, 20.00 – 21.00, during which the invited keynote speech will be given by Mr. Ioannis Tigelis, Professor of the Department of Physics of the University of Athens, on “Energy from thermonuclear fusion – ITER project”.
More than 500 delegates have already registered for the conference, more than 160 scientific papers have been approved and are being presented, of which 49 are oral presentations and the rest are e-posters, which each delegate will be able to read through the conference website. The 3 best oral and 3 best electronic presentations will be awarded at the closing ceremony of the conference.
In addition to the Greek professors of Medical Physics from all the Medical Schools of the country and other important scientists from the Public and Private sector, well-known Greeks working abroad and foreign Radiophysicists have been invited and will give speeches.
Alongside the scientific programme of the Conference (which can be viewed at https://pcmp2022.efie.gr/program/) , a programme of parallel social events has been organised, the most important of which is a visit to the Acropolis and its Museum with a special guide offered by the organisers for the invited speakers of the Conference.
With the hope that the conference will be established and held on a periodic basis, we took forward to your positive response to our above invitations.
The chairman of the Organizing Committee, Stathis Efstathopoulos, Professor of Medical Physics, Unit of Radiophysics, B’ Lab. Department of Radiology, General Hospital “Attikon”, School of Medicine, University of Athens
The chairman of the Scientific Committee, Pantelis Karaiskos Professor of Medical Physics Laboratory of Medical Physics Medical Physics Laboratory, School of Medicine, University of Athens
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