University Studio Press| Bodies on display, An introduction to dance theory. An Anthology
Title:Bodies on display, An introduction to dance theory. Anthology of texts Translated-Edited-with an introduction by: Menti Mega Publisher: ...More
Title:Bodies on display, An introduction to dance theory. Anthology of texts Translated-Edited-with an introduction by: Menti Mega Publisher: ...More
Title: Plato. A guide: Life-Work-influence Authors: Christoph Horn,Jörn Müller,Joachim Söder (translated in Greek by Leonidas Karatzas) Publisher: University ...More
Title: Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki Author: Markella-Elpida Tsichla Publisher: University Studio Press Subject: Art History Year: 2023 Pages: ...More
Title:The human past, World prehistory and the formation of human societies Author(s): Chris Scarre (editor of the original ...More
Title: The City, urban space in the work of C.P.Cavafy Author: Vassilis Colonas Publisher: University Studio Press Subject: ...More
Title: The Art of the 19th Century (Architecture-Sculpture-Painting) Author: Alkis Charalambidis Publisher: University Studio Press Subject: Art History ...More
Title: Smyrna (1870-1922): City and archotecture. The contribution of the Greeks Author: Vassilis Kolonas Publisher: University Studio Press ...More
Title: National, the useful: Breakthroughs in education and health systems Author: Κyriakos Anastasiadis Publisher: University Studio Press Subject: ...More
Title: In the dungeons of death Author: Αndreas Assael Publisher: University Studio Press Subject: History Year: 2024 Pages: ...More
Title: A short history of Art Author: Alkis Charalambidis Publishing House: University Studio Press Subject: Art-Essay Year: 2023 ...More