The National Museum of Contemporary Art | EMST announces the launch of the International Curators Visiting Programme | EMST International Curators Visiting Programme which aims to promote the artistic work of Greek visual artists in the international cultural scene through the invitation of international art professionals, who will visit the country to get to know the work of artists living and working in Greece.
In the framework of this programme, the EMST will systematically invite international curators and art historians or art theorists for field research in our country. Invitees will be either museum curators, independent curators and researchers/art historians from around the world who are organizing and planning major international exhibitions in the near future.
The aim of the programme is to highlight the work and directions of contemporary artists who work in Greece and do not often have the opportunity to present their work internationally. At the same time, the work of Greek curators will be highlighted through visits to exhibitions in art spaces and cultural institutions in Athens, which will be carried out by the visiting curators. The main purpose is to reinforce the growing international interest in the country’s cultural production as it has emerged in recent years, making it an important pole of the wider geographical area, in a more systematic and institutional way. The project will develop long-term relationships which will trigger new collaborations and partnerships.
The curators invited to Greece will participate in a programme specifically designed for the needs of their research, including visits to artists’ workshops, art spaces and exhibitions. At the same time they will meet art professionals living and working in Greece.
The selection of visiting curators/art historians will be made by invitation of the EMΣT and through a call for expressions of interest. During their residency, each curator will give a lecture at the Museum or other public venue for art professionals, students and the public. The programme will start in the first week of October with a visit by curator Nóra Ó Murchú, artistic director of the Berlin Transmediale event.
“The EMΣT International Curators Visiting Programme is part of the actions of Project SUB 6.4 “Actions to promote Greek cultural exports and strengthen the Greek cultural brand of the National Museum of Contemporary Art” which is being implemented in the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0″ with funding from the European Union-NextGenerationEU”.
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