The Research Unit for Medieval Arts and Rituals of the University of Cyprus announces the publication of the first issue of the annual open access and double-blind refereed international interdisciplinary journal Eventum: A Journal of Medieval Arts and Rituals.
The articles in the first issue revolve around the subject of the arts and rituals of pilgrimage (“The Arts and Rituals of Pilgrimage”) and are written both by internationally recognized scholars and by young researchers whose research focuses on the subject of medieval and later pilgrimage.
The journal Eventum is the most important deliverable of the European research program “Network for Medieval Arts and Rituals” (NetMAR; Grant Agreement no. 951875) coordinated by the Research Unit and published by the University Press of Milan (Italy) on the website riviste.unimi. it/event. The general editor of the magazine is the Associate Professor of the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies and director of the Unit, Stavroula Konstantinou. The co-editors of the magazine are Associate Professors Maria Parani and Michalis Olympios of the Department of History and Archaeology.
In the interdisciplinary journal Eventum, original works are published concerning the artistic dimensions of secular and religious rituals of the Middle Ages, as well as the arts (visual, representational and speech) that coexist during the conduct of said rituals. At the same time, the research published by the journal mainly concerns the effects of medieval arts and rituals on the modern world, thus bringing to light our rich medieval heritage and promoting a better understanding of both the medieval and the modern world.
The journal Eventum aims to publish innovative cutting-edge research through a transparent, democratic and efficient process. The research that the journal supports and promotes is purely interdisciplinary and concerns all humanities researchers who study either the medieval world or its effects on modern Western civilization.
For more information on the journal, you may visit:
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