The Centre for Applied Neuroscience (CAN) of the University of Cyprus, invites the general public to its 13th Annual Scientific Digital Conference on “The Contribution of Predictive Models and Artificial Intelligence to Applied Neuroscience“, which will take place on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, between 8:30 a.m.-18:00 p.m. at the Ceremonial Hall in the Main Hall of the University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipolios Street, Nicosia, Nicosia. The Conference, which has an interdisciplinary character, will be attended by distinguished scientists from Cyprus and abroad. In addition, results from the research activities of the research groups of the Centre for Applied Neuroscience and the Department of Psychology of the University of Cyprus will be presented.
As stated by the Director of the CAN, Professor of Psychology, Fofi Konstantinidou, “The Annual Scientific Conference of the CAN contributes to the mission of our research centre, which for 13 years has been operating as a reference and networking point for the scientific community of Cyprus, while contributing to the acquisition of knowledge on the latest developments concerning the study of the human brain and the relationship between biology and mental-cognitive and behavioural functions”.
The Conference is held in collaboration with the Department of Psychology of the University of Cyprus. At the end of the Conference, participants will receive a Certificate of Participation. The speeches at the Conference will be held in English.
Participation in the Conference is free of charge, but registration is required.
To register for the 13th Scientific Digital Conference of the Centre for Applied Neuroscience and for more information about the conference, visit the website: www.cancyprus.org, or email [email protected], or tel.: 22895190.
You may see here the detailed programme of the Conference.
You may register here.
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