The SNFCC Youth Council is a creative group of 20 young people, from 18 to 25 years old, responsible for curating an independent programme of events that is part of the annual programming of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre (SNFCC). Inspired by the ScienceSlams that started in Germany in early 2000, it organises and curates a series of talks and discussions, aiming to highlight ideas, knowledge, experiences and, of course, the people behind them. The SNFCC Youth Council was created and organizes its activities thanks to an exclusive donation from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).
After the successful first debate, which dealt with issues of “Disability and Accessibility”, the Slamsby SNFCC Youth Council returns on Sunday 4 February at 17.00 at the Book Tower, on the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
“AI language model”, “computing systems”, “ChatGPT”: phrases we use every day, but how easily can we explain what they are or how they work? At the same time, many artists are using AI to create works, raising questions and debates about the authenticity, creativity and, ultimately, the place of this medium in the field of culture. Beyond the technical or creative side of the debate, however, there are strong recurring concerns about our rights within this digital transformation, which may be happening at a faster pace than we can understand.
These are some of the topics that will be addressed by the speakers at the second Slam of the SNFCCYouthCouncil. With the main aim of starting a dialogue, the talk will be followed by a Q&A with audience participation.
Lamprini Gyftokosta, Director of Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights at the NGO HomoDigitalis
Panagiotis Koromilas, PhD candidate at NKUA and research assistant at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National Research Centre for Physical Sciences “Demokritos”
Orfeas Menis Mastromichalakis, PhD candidate and researcher at the Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems Laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens
Maria Mavropoulou, visual artist
Slamsby SNFCC Youth Council: Artificial Intelligence
Book Tower, National Library of Greece, SNFCC
Sunday 04/02, 17:00 – 19:00
Free Admissions
The venue is accessible to people with wheelchairs and people with mobility problems, and there will be interpretation in Greek Sign Language throughout the event.
More information can be found on the website of the SNFCC snfcc.org/ekdiloseis/slams-snfcc-youth-council and on the social media pages @SNFCC.
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