The Free University of Chrysohous City opens its 5th cycle of lectures, on Friday 4 November 2022, at 6:00 p.m. The lectures will take place at the Cultural Centre of the Municipality of the City of Chrysochous, co-organised by the Municipality of Polos Chrysochous and the University of Cyprus. The speaker of the opening lecture will be Mr Konstantinos Deltas, Professor of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cyprus. The topic he will address is entitled. Investing in the Biobank, investing in a healthier Cyprus”.
The Biobank is an infrastructure for medical research, i.e. a place where administrative staff, scientists and technicians are housed to help register citizens, healthy and sick alike, voluntarily, giving some information about their health and some blood. The information and blood are used anonymously in various useful research studies aimed at improving our health. The Biobank is a bank that instead of keeping money keeps information and DNA, and instead of money it gets as interest better diagnoses and prevention of many diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease and cancers and many others, rare and common.
The more volunteers sign up the better. Voluntary registration does not come with any risk or other obligation and each participating citizen will get free useful analyses of their heart and kidneys, lipid profile, muscle mass and more.
The public attending the venue will have the opportunity to ask their questions and concerns through the discussion that will follow.
All Free University of the City of Golden City lectures, which will conclude in May 2023, are open to the public.
Further information regarding the lecture programme [https://bit.ly/3U1J23O] can be obtained from the Office of Planning and Implementation of Official Events of the Rectorate of the University of Cyprus, at 22894331/47.
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