The invitation to the event for the presentation of the preliminary results of the research project “Byzantine and Latin Tinos: Old and new archaeological data”, which is a collaboration between the Ephorate of Antiquities of Cyclades and the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, was announced. The event will take place on 4 March, at 18:00 p.m. at the auditorium of the National Hellenic Research Foundation.
The Schedule
18:00-18:10 Greetings
Ν. Papazarkadas, Director National Hellenic Research Foundation
Α. G. Giagkaki- D. Athanasoulis
Ν. Papazarkadas, Director National Hellenic Research Foundation
Α. G. Giagkaki- D. Athanasoulis
18:10-18:20 Research at the early Byzantine church of Agia Anastasia at the location of “Rentia”
Α. G. Giagkaki, D. Athanasoulis,
Μ. Sigala, Ch. Sakellakou
Α. G. Giagkaki, D. Athanasoulis,
Μ. Sigala, Ch. Sakellakou
18:20-18:30 The research in the medieval Castle Xomburgo
D. Athanasoulis, Α. G. Giagkaki, Ch. Sakellakou
D. Athanasoulis, Α. G. Giagkaki, Ch. Sakellakou
18:30-18:40 Early Byzantine pottery from Chora of Tinos
Α. G. Giagkaki
Α. G. Giagkaki
18:40-18:50 Recording of the medieval sculpture of Tinos
Ch. Sakellakou
Ch. Sakellakou
18:50-19:00 The medieval temples at the “Vrysia” location
Μ. Sigala
Μ. Sigala
19:00-19:10 Observations on the architecture of Xombourgos Castle and its position in Tinos and the Cyclades
D. Athanasoulis
D. Athanasoulis
19:10-19:20 The management of a research project and an excavation in the “backyard” and the role of digital tools: a proposal for a holistic approach
Α. G. Giagkaki
Α. G. Giagkaki
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