«I am writing to you about a unique and important initiative that carries forward the work of archaeological discovery and preservation begun at Knossos in 1900 by Sir Arthur Evans who gifted his estate to the BSA in 1926. We have been closely associated with the site ever since.
Many of you will have visited the BSA’s Knossos Research Centre and the Stratigraphical Museum. The latter safeguards artefacts spanning the 9,000-year history of Knossos and provides a space for innovative and exciting research. The Strat, as it is affectionately known, was inaugurated in February 1966. After more than half a century of intensive use by professional archaeologists and students of all ages, it is now in need of a complete refurbishment to preserve the significant archaeological material housed there, and to provide a first-class research facility for new generations of scholars.
If you visit www.bsa.ac.uk/join-us-2/knossos-2025-project you can view our fundraising brochure, see a film about the project and explore the new building with a virtual fly-through.
Our brochure was prepared just before the Covid-19 pandemic and some things have changed, such as my appointment as the Chair of Council earlier this year. We have firmed up robust new costings for all aspects of the project which, after the hiatus caused by the pandemic and increases in building costs, come to a total of £3 million.
The Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports is not only giving us their strong support; they will also be our partner in the construction project, with costs met directly by the BSA from donations.
We have made excellent fundraising progress attracting donations and pledges from supporters throughout the world who care deeply about Knossos. A major philanthropist has pledged a very generous gift and has challenged us to secure all the remaining funds required before the end of 2022, so that work can start early next year. With approximately £2.5 million in donations and pledges already received, we have secured just over 80% of the total needed. We are now seeking to raise the last 20% of funds required.
This last stage is always critical in any fundraising campaign. In August we asked the supporting members of the BSA for donations and we have received many generous gifts, both large and small. We are now encouraging everyone on our email list to make a donation, however small, to help us complete the project. Throughout its history, philanthropy has been vital to the BSA and we cannot emphasise enough how important all our supporters are to us: this is your opportunity to be part of the history of archaeology at Knossos by making a donation.
If we exceed our fundraising target, any additional donations will be allocated to the new Harrison-Jebb Memorial Fund to provide support for all aspects of the BSA’s work, including the maintenance and further enhancement of the new Stratigraphical Museum.
We will create a special plaque at the Strat to acknowledge contributions (or currency equivalents) of £250, £1,000 and £2,500 – the last being named the Sir Arthur Evans Circle. Additional opportunities for donor acknowledgement include naming rights for some of the spaces within the new building.
Please consider donating to the Knossos 2025 Project as soon as you can. You can donate online at www.bsa.ac.uk/donate including “Knossos 2025 Project” in the additional comments field.
US supporters can make a tax efficient donation via The British School at Athens Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) organization (EIN 04-3466100). Checks drawn on US banks can be mailed to Tim Cunningham, President of The British School at Athens Foundation, 593 Gardiner Rd, Dresden, ME, 04342-3032.
With many thanks in advance for your support,
Professor Roderick Beaton, FBA
Chair of Council | British School at Athens»
P.S. If you have any questions about the Knossos 2025 Project, please do contact [email protected]
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