According to ScholarGPS, Professor of Chemistry Angelos M. Efstathiou is ranked 112th worldwide (Highly Ranked Scholars – Top 0.05%) in the field of Catalysis, making him a leading scientist in this area of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

The fact that Professor Angelos M. Efstathiou is ranked as a Top Scientist worldwide by the prestigious ScholarGPS in the research field of Catalysis, is a significant distinction for the University of Cyprus and the Department of Chemistry. The list of “Highly Ranked Scholars” includes scientists who have been ranked in the top 0.05% worldwide in a discipline. This is the first time this ranking has been done in a large number of research disciplines.

Scholar GPS is an AI-based platform that has evaluated more than 30 million researchers from more than 55,000 universities and research centres worldwide.

Professor Angelos M. Efstathiou’s research has also been evaluated by a Stanford University team led by Professor Ioannis Ioannidis, ranking him in the top 2% of the top scientists in the field of Chemistry/Physical Chemistry for the last three years (2021-2023).

Professor Angelos M Efstathiou has published 180 scientific articles in international journals of high impact Catalysis, 4 book chapters, and his published work is highly impacted (h-index: 61, Citations > 10200 (Google Scholar). He has recently been honoured with the “CATSA Eminent Visiting Award 2019” by the Catalytic Science Community of South Africa, and was also the first recipient of the “Nikos Simeonidis Research Award” (2007) of the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation (R&I Foundation).

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