The nation is shocked by the unexpected death of the television and cinema director Manousos Manousakis (1950-2024). The director identified his name with a series of major television hits (‘Whispers of the Heart’, ‘Touch of the Soul’, ‘Don’t Say Goodbye to Me’, ‘For a Woman and a Car’, ‘Department of Vice’) and also produced great film work, especially in the 1970s (‘Bartholomew’, ‘Lords’). His most recent cinematic success is the film ‘Ouzeri Tsitsanis’, in which he managed to recreate the atmosphere of an entire era and at the same time to penetrate the psyche of the leading Greek folk music composer.

The Minister of Culture said: ”Manousos Manousakis, still a young man, appeared in the cinema with two films that made an impression for their time, ‘Bartholomew’ and ‘Lords’, a prologue to the great work that he left us. He turned to television, where he deservedly established himself as a director of series with a huge impact. Manousos Manousakis’ creations on the small screen were great successes, due to his unrelenting professionalism, his knowledge, his experience, the high standards he maintained in their production, but also their original themes, with social issues that he approached with daring. Manousos Manousakis made quality television for the general public, with no discounts on his demands, but also without abandoning cinema, to which he selectively returned with excellent creations. He guided many young artists with wisdom and personal interest, giving impetus to their emergence. He worked in harmony with established colleagues, which explains, in addition to his popularity, the love and respect with which the industry surrounded him. His artistic imprint behind the lens remains indelible.”

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