The three-day events organized by the Municipality of Patras and the Cultural Organization in cooperation with the Panhellenic Union of National Resistance Fighters and the Democratic Army of Greece to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the liberation of the city from the Nazi occupation troops on October 4, 1944, began on Sunday morning, October 1, with the celebration of a doxology at the Metropolitan Church of Evangelistria.
Then at the place of execution of fighters of the National Resistance in the square of Psila Alonia, a wreath laying ceremony and a speech by the president of the Municipal Council Panagiotis Melas took place. Immediately afterwards, the area of the Historical Refuge of Patras was opened, which hosts historical and archival material through which moments from the bombardment of the city, the occupation and the liberation from the Nazi troops are highlighted.
The opening of the shelter was accompanied by an artistic program presented by the Dance Department of the Cultural Organization.
On Sunday evening, October 1st, the film “When Hitler met Picasso” was screened at the Old Municipal Hospital.
The Mayor of Patras Kostas Peletidis, the President of the Cultural Organization Katerina Geropanagioti, Deputy Mayors, Presidents of the Municipal Organizations, Municipal and Regional Councillors participated in the opening of the events, as also as Departmental Councillors and members of the Board of Directors of the Cultural Organization of the Municipality of Patras, fighters and representatives of resistance organizations, representatives of political parties and youth, representatives of the Police and the Coast Guard, representatives of organizations and associations, representatives of labor unions and many people.
Wreaths were laid by the Mayor of Patras Kostas Peletidis, the vice-president of the Patras branch of the Panhellenic Union of Fighters of National Resistance & Democratic Army of Greece, Lefteris Christopoulos, the vice-regional governor of Achaia, Charalambos Bonanos, the head of the municipal faction “Ora Patron” George Roros, the president of the Labour Centre of Patras Dimitris Marmoutas. For the Sectoral Committee of Achaia of the Communist Party of Greece Apostolos Angelis and for the Sectoral Organizations of Achaia of the Communist Youth of Greece Dimitris Grivas.
Programme of Events Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 October
*Τuesday 3 October
– 19.00. – Entrance of the shelter of Patras – Theatrical performance of the theatrical group “apo koinou” of the 1st ELME of Achaia, for the liberation of Patras from the Nazi occupation troops.
– 20.00. – Dramatization of the Speech of Aris Velouchiotis in Patras on 6/10/1944 & Excerpt from Το Μegalo mas tsirko.
– 20.20. – End of the event.
*Wednesday 4 October
– 21.00. –Pantokrator Square – Concert with the Folk Orchestra of the Dance Department at Pantokrator Square.
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