The lecturers will be professors, researchers and experts in the humanities and social sciences, who will speak about the most recent and, to a large extent, controversial period in the history of modern Greece.
A new series of lectures entitled “Meetings” on the History of the Metapolitefsi (‘Political Regime Change’, ‘Restoration of Democracy’) is co-organized by the Alpha Bank Historical Archives and the Benaki Museum. The 12 lectures, which start on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, will take place every second week at the Benaki Museum of Greek Culture (Koumbari 1), from 18:00 to 20:00. The series begins with the lecture of Kostas Kostis, Head of the Alpha Bank Historical Archives and Professor of Economic and Social History at the Department of Economics of the University of Athens, entitled “Metapolitefsi. Forming a concept”.
Kostas Kostis, Sotiris Rizas (Modern Greek History Research Centre – Academy of Athens) and Tassos Sakellaropoulos (Benaki Museum – Historical Archives) are in charge of this lecture series, which will be completed at the end of May 2024.
Attendance is free for the public, but reservations are necessary via e-ticket on Benaki Museum’s website, where the detailed Programme is available as well.
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