The Evaluation Committee was set up
of the architectural draft study
for the extension of the National Archaeological Museum.
By decision of the Minister of Culture and Sports, Lina Mendoni, the Evaluation Committee for the architectural draft study for the upgrading and underground extension of the National Archaeological Museum building, its operation in combination with the building housing the “AKROPOL AKROS“, the provision of the possibility of communication with the complex of the National Technical University of Athens and the redevelopment of the surrounding area was formed.
The study of the architectural draft is carried out at the expense of the Non-profit Civil Society “FAMILY NSL“, for the purpose of donation to the Greek State.
The Evaluation Committee – in alphabetical order – consists of the following members:
Gerasimos Giannopoulos: lawyer. He was a member of the Greek Advisory Committee of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, in the selection committee of the Architect for the study and design of the new facilities of the National Opera, the National Library and the surrounding area of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre. He specialises in supporting companies and individuals in the planning, implementation and periodic evaluation of charitable activities with a focus on Arts and Culture. He is a member of the Boards of Directors of the Benaki Museum, ARCAthens and the National Museum of Contemporary Art.
Georgios Deodatis: Civil Engineer, Professor, Columbia University. He holds the Santiago and RobertinaCalatrava Family Chair in the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, of which he is Chair. He has received the Presidential Distinguished Teaching Award and the Grand Master Award from the Columbia University Alumni Association, which are the highest teaching honors at this University.
Pierre B. Ducrey. Member of the French School of Athens, Director of the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece. Since 2010, he has directed theHardt Foundation for the study of Classical Antiquity. He is the author of books and articles in the fields of archaeology, Greek epigraphy. He has been honoured with numerous awards.
Louis Godart. Adviser on Artistic Heritage to the Presidents of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Giorgio Napolitano. Director of the Italian Presidency for the Conservation of Artistic Heritage, and Honorary President of the International Association for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures. Author of 81 monographs and dozens of scientific articles. He is a member of the AccademiaNazionaledeiLincei, the Académie des InscriptionsetBelles-Lettres, the Academy of Athens, the AccademiaPontaniana, the SocieetàzionalScienze, Lettere e Arti of Naples, the German Archaeological Institute. He is CavalierediGranCroce of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Knight of the Legion of Honour (France), Commander of the British Empire (United Kingdom), and has been awarded the Order of the Order of the Phoenix of the Hellenic Republic.
Christopher Hudson. He is Chairman of the Motovun Group of International Publishers (MGIP). He has held senior positions at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, The Getty Museum and Trust, the Aperture Foundation, FocalPress, Inc. and Prentice-Hall. He is a co-founder and past president of the International Association of Museum Publishers (IAMP). His work focuses on the arts and humanities, with numerous publications in the fields of modern art, classical art and archaeology.
Andreas Kourkoulas: Architect, Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, U.M.P. He has been an international jury judge at schools of architecture (AA / Bartlett / MendrisioAcademyofArchitecture/ IstanbulTechnicalUniversity / GeorgiaTechetc). He has worked with the international architectural firm O.M.A. in London (Zeggelis-Koolhas). His research interest focuses on contemporary architectural theories and design, at various scales of architecture (object, building, city).
Meejin Yoon: Architect, Dean of Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning. Founder of DesignAcrossScalesLab. In 2021, she was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters in the field of architecture, receiving the highest recognition of artistic merit in the United States. Her work includes the design of cultural buildings and public spaces, such as the MemorialtoEnslavedLaborers at the University of Virginia, the MIT Museum at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Moongate Bridge at Shanghai Expo Park. Her work focuses on developing innovation and creativity to address the environmental and social challenges facing cities and communities.
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