The Ministry of Culture, in the context of the strategic plan it has developed, from 2020, for the restoration and promotion of the Roman monuments within the archaeological site of Ancient Olympia, is launching the maintenance, restoration and promotion of the complex of the baths, located on the eastern bank of the Kladeos, a tributary of the Alpheus. The archaeological site of Ancient Olympia is morphologically located in an area of mild relief, which is formed at the confluence of the river Kladeos (a tributary of the Alpheus) and the Alpheus river. The monument was excavated by H. Schleif, who published it in 1944, and occupies an area of about 400 square metres. The entrance to the building of the Baths of Kladeos is located on the south side towards the complex of the Roman Inns, with which it is connected. The Central Archaeological Council unanimously gave a positive opinion on the required studies – architectural preliminary study, geotechnical, structural and building materials studies.
The Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni said: “The promotion of the buildings of the Roman period will give a new look and perspective to the archaeological site of Ancient Olympia. The specific monumental unit is upgraded, which we include in the archaeological site that can be visited, extending the tour of the monuments beyond the classical antiquity, prolonging the visitors’ stay. The Baths of Kladeos are located on the eastern bank of the river Kladeos, outside the western enclosure of the sanctuary. It is a bath complex built in 100 AD, on the site of the 5th century BC bathing pool. The bath complex, on the eastern bank of the Kladeos River, had rooms for hot baths (caldarium), tepid baths (tepidarium) and cold baths (frigidarium), while the floors of the rooms were decorated with excellent mosaics, some of which have been preserved in good condition until today. With the restoration and enhancement of the bath complex, we continue to implement our strategic plan for the restoration and return to visitors of the archaeological site of Ancient Olympia of Baths Cladeos. Today, similar projects are underway in the Baths of Leonidaion, in the complex of southern Thermos and in the early Christian basilica, known as the laboratory of Phidias, with a total budget of approximately 4,000,000, euros, while the studies and immediate rescue measures on the Octagon, the so-called “House of Nero”, from national resources of the Ministry of Culture have been completed.
According to the studies, the recovery of the areas that were swept away by the Kladeos, in order to restore the contour of the ground plan of the monument, as well as the recovery of parts of the floors of the areas that have been swept away. The floors of the heated areas will be restored to their original use level, rainwater will be drained from the floors of the monument, walls will be restored according to the ancient building system and a new access will be constructed. The route will pass through the vaulted floors – the Directorate for the Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments of the Ministry of Culture and Culture carried out the fixing and maintenance work in 2002-2003 – and will then pass through the warm rooms and the changing room. In order to keep the conduit of the bathing pool of the classical period visible, a staged backfill is planned in this area. It is also planned to highlight the latrine by conserving its ceramic elements, to move part of the fence to allow for the recovery of areas of the monument and to place information signs along the visitor route. The structural study includes proposals for restoration by filling in the cavities, repairing cracks, constructing a retaining wall for the slope of the Kladeos, filling and levelling.
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