The Ministry of Culture is launching the establishment of a Diachronic Museum, in Xanthi, in the buildings of the complex of the Kapnapothikes warehouses -property of the Ministry of Culture- on Elli Street, after the positive opinion of the Museum Council on the proposal of the building program, submitted by the competent Ephorate of Antiquities of Xanthi, on the basis of which the new uses are located in a total gross area of 1.100 sq.m.
The Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni said: “The Kapnapothikes, most of which have been declared monuments by the Ministry of Culture, are a trademark of Xanthi, as they are associated with the era of the city’s economic and commercial prosperity. Xanthi is one of the numerous capitals of regional units that lack an Archaeological-Diachronic Museum. The reuse of the building stock of our cities and the assignment of cultural uses to it is our main political priority. Based on these three basic conditions, we are launching the procedures for the restoration and utilization of the buildings of the complex of the Kapnapothikes in Xanthi, with the aim of creating a Diachronic Museum, in which the very important antiquities that have been discovered in the wider region will be exhibited. In this way, buildings-monuments, witnesses of the prosperity and urban evolution of the city are preserved. Through the accommodation of new uses, they are protected and integrated into the social fabric of the city and the unique cultural heritage of Xanthi.”
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