The database and web portal of the Archaeological Cadastre was presented to the public
The Project and the Internet Portal of the Archaeological Cadastre were presented for the first time in the Acropolis Museum’s auditorium. The Minister of Culture and Sports Lina Mendoni delivered an address and pointed out, among other things, the importance of digital technology applications for the modernization of cultural heritage management.
The Archaeological Cadastre is an Integrated Information System (IIS) for the systematic recording, documentation, digitization and management of archaeological, administrative and geospatial data related to the country’s cultural heritage. Currently, the system includes more than 18,000 monuments, 3,800 archeological and historical sites and 845 protection zones.
The Archaeological Cadastre consists of a database (back end) and a web portal (front end). The database includes administrative, scientific and geospatial data and is mainly addressed to the departments of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and to government services in general. The portal extracts selected data from the database and presents it to the general public, at the address https://www.arxaiologikoktimatologio.gov.gr/el.
The Archaeological Cadastre makes available to the citizens data that used to be accessible practically only to the competent services, and their collection required specific knowledge, time, money and effort. It is an important project for the management and protection of our cultural heritage, a modern and necessary tool and a notable initiative towards public administration reform and digital transformation.
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