The Museum of Contemporary Art – Konstantinos Xenakis Gallery was inaugurated yesterday at noon at the “Konstantinos Karamanlis” Cultural Park in Serres, by the Minister of Culture and Sports, Lina Mendoni, in the presence of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Kostas Karamanlis, and the Mayor of Serres, Alexandros Chryssafis.
As Lina Mendoni noted in her greeting, “From today Serres has a modern and harmonized with the environment roof for the work of Konstantinos Xenakis, a roof for culture, on the site of the former Papaloukas camp, in the Cultural Park “Konstantinos Karamanlis”. The Museum is “green”, with almost zero energy consumption, and fully accessible to people with disabilities, taking into account modern standards and concepts, such as inclusiveness, which is an essential priority in the policies of this Government. It is an important intervention that can work, in different ways, to the benefit of the city. As a prominent cultural pole for the wider area, as an important green intervention in the urban fabric, as an excellent investment with strong development potential”.
The “Konstantinos Xenakis Gallery”, based on the donation of 171 works by the artist himself, Aristotle Naniopoulos, professor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and other private individuals, is located in the old Papaloukas camp, within which the “Konstantinos Karamanlis” Cultural Park of the Municipality of Serres is being created. It was created in the framework of the Cultural Dipole project “Creation of a cultural dipole in the cross-border area” of the INTERREG V-A “Greece – Bulgaria 2014-2020” programme.
Visitors to the Gallery can tour all the stages of the work of Konstantinos Xenakis, using modern technological means and audiovisual material. It is noted that the Museum is accessible to people with disabilities, and there are tactile exhibits, videos with subtitles and sign language, memorialization with QR code and Braille.
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