Title: Concept parameters in architecture and design
Authors: Dimitris Antoniou, Dimitris Giouzepas, Yiannis Tsaras, Nikos Tsinikas
Year: 2022
Publisher: University Studio Press
Subject: Architecture/ Design
Pages: 328
Technical Features: 17*24
The book introduces the reader to every form of drawing from architecture to design, while its phenotype is projected in its contents. The first part describes the tools, methods and processes of design with references to color, shapes and solids, digital design environment, geometric engravings and design background. The concepts of modification and shaping refer to the designer’s actions in managing the shapes and solids he/she designs such as transposition, composition, resizing, etc.
The contribution of programming and specific design requirements refers, among others, to prioritisation, user-friendliness, multifunctionality in design and architecture, etc. In the second part, an attempt is made to mention concepts such as symmetry, rhythm, proximity, redundancy and other ‘abstract’ or non-abstract concepts that contribute to the compositional process of design. A logical continuation is the next section dealing with uniqueness, originality, interdisciplinarity and other related ‘synthetic’ concepts.
The book concludes with a selection of aesthetic themes such as good and bad design and a selection of anthropocentric elements such as empathy, intimacy, etc.
About the authors
Dimitris Antoniou is Assistant Professor, National Technical University of Athens.
Dimitris Giouzepas is Assistant Professor, Democritus University of Thrace.
Yiannis Tsaras is Associate Professor, Technical University of Crete.
Nikos Tsinikas is Professor Emeritus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
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